S.B. 176

Senate Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 14, 2013 12:39 PM

Senator Jerry W. Stevenson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 21 through 22 :    

             21      Other Special Clauses:
{   None   }        This bill provides revisor instructions.      

2.    Page 121, Lines 3735 through 3743 :    

             3735          (d) for the Commissioner of Public Safety:
             3736          (i) an accidental death insurance policy if POST certified; and
             3737          (ii) a public safety vehicle for official and personal use;
             3738          (e) for the executive director of the Department of Corrections:
             3739          (i) an accidental death insurance policy if POST certified; and
             3740          (ii) a public safety vehicle for official and personal use;
             3741          (f) for the Adjutant General a vehicle for official and personal use; and
             3742          (g) for each member of the Board of Pardons and Parole a vehicle for commute and
             3743      official use.

  Section 75. Revisor instructions.

     The Legislature intends that if S.B. 176, Office of Planning and Budget Restructuring Amendments, passes, the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel in preparing the Utah Code database for publication, change any reference to "Office of Planning and Budget" to "Office of Management and Budget".  

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