2nd Sub. S.B. 219

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 March 11, 2013 5:58 PM

Senator Stephen H. Urquhart proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 14 through 16 :    

             14      insured
{   :

             15              .    for $2,500 or more; and
             16              .      
  that are       intended to pay for the mitigation service.

2.    Page 2, Lines 29 through 31 :    

             29          (a) "Certificate of satisfactory completion" means a document signed by a
  provider and at least one       named

             30      insured in which

         (i)    the provider warrants that the provider performed the mitigation service provided under the service agreement in accordance with the generally accepted industry standards applicable to the mitigation service provided; and
the named insured      {   certifies   }        verifies       that the provider satisfactorily completed the

             31      mitigation service provided under the service agreement.

3.    Page 2, Lines 37 through 39 :    

             37          (e)
  (i)       "Mitigation service" means labor, equipment, or material provided on damaged

             38      property for the purpose of performing repairs necessary to prevent further damage caused by
             39      the covered peril
{   , including cleanup   } .

  (ii)    "Mitigation service" includes:

        (A)    drying interior elements, including drywall, flooring, wall studs, and seal plates;
        (B)    cleaning a sewer overflow; and
        (C)    cleaning fire damage.
    (iii)    "Mitigation service" does not include labor, equipment, or material provided for the purpose of restoring the damaged property to its pre-loss condition.  

4.    Page 2, Line 42 :    

             42          (g) "Service agreement" means a written
{   agreement   }        work authorization       between an owner of property

5.    Page 2, Lines 45 through 47 :    

             45          (2) (a) Within 10 business days after the day on which a provider completes a
             46      mitigation service governed by a service agreement, the provider shall
  , if payment for the mitigation service is still owing,       send to the insurer of the

             47      damaged property:

6.    Page 2, Lines 51 through 56 :    

             51          (i) that the provider claims
{   money   }        insurance proceeds       owed for a mitigation service provided under a

             52      service agreement;
             53          (ii) the name, address, and telephone number of the insured;

             54          (iii) the date of the service agreement
{   ; and

             55          (iv) the amount still owed to the provider for the mitigation service provided under the
             56      service agreement, if any  

7.    Page 3, Lines 60 through 63 :    

             60      an additional payee on each check issued to the insured that is
{   :

             61          (a) for $2,500 or more; and
             62          (b)  
intended to pay for the mitigation service described in the provider's notice of
             63      completion and certificate of satisfactory completion.

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LRGC cgilbert scoombs C 03/11/13 5:35p