S.B. 225

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 March 5, 2013 6:54 PM

Senator Mark B. Madsen proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 33 through 36 :    

             33          (3) The department shall implement the program the
{   sooner   }        later       of:

             34          (a) 120 days after the day on which the governor finds that the state has the one or
             35      more federal waivers, exemptions, or authorizations needed to implement the program; or
             36          (b)
{   July 1, [2013] 2015   }        120 days after the day on which the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services certifies that all persons attempting to legally enter this country on May 14, 2013, under federal law have been processed       .

2.    Page 2, Lines 45 through 47 :    

             45          (b) The governor shall:
             46          (i) begin implementation of the program by no
{   later than July 1, [2013] 2015   }        sooner than the day on which the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services certifies that all persons attempting to legally enter this country on May 14, 2013, under federal law have been processed       ; and

             47          (ii) end operation of the program
{   on June 30, [2018] 2020   }        five years after the day on which the program begins       .

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