S.B. 232

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 March 6, 2013 11:59 AM

Senator Todd Weiler proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 9, Line 247
    Senate Committee Amendments
    3-4-2013 :

             247          (b) A court
{   shall   }        may       not determine that a father abandoned the birth mother if the father

2.    Page 9, Line 249
    Senate Committee Amendments
    3-4-2013 :

             249      support.
  (2)(a) As used in this section, "emotional support" means a pattern of statements or actions that indicate to a reasonable person that a father intends to provide for the physical and emotional well-being of an unborn child.

(b) A court may not find that a father failed to provide emotional support if the father's failure was due to impossibility of performance.  

3.    Page 9, Line 250
    Senate Committee Amendments
    3-4-2013 :

{   (2)   }        (3)       Consent or relinquishment, as required by Subsection 78B-6-120 (1), may be

4.    Page 9, Lines 261 through 262
    Senate Committee Amendments
    3-4-2013 :

{   (3)   }        (4)       Implied consent under Subsection      {   (2)   }        (3)       (a) may not be withdrawn.

{   (4)   }        (5)       Nothing in this section negates the requirements of Section 78B-6-121 or

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