S.B. 237

Senate Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 March 4, 2013 10:12 AM

Senator J. Stuart Adams proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 157, Lines 4834 through 4844 :    

             4834      possession, use, or occupancy of the short-term lodging;
             4835          (C) remit to the commission
  , by electronic means in a manner prescribed by the commission,       the tax      {   described in Subsection (3)(i)(i)(A)   }        due       on the

             4836      short-term lodging intermediary charge; and
             4837          (D) remit to the short-term lodging operator the tax due on the short-term lodging
             4838      operator charge;
             4839          (ii) the short-term lodging operator shall
  , by electronic means in a manner prescribed by the commission,       remit to the commission the tax due on the

             4840      short-term lodging operator charge;
             4841          (iii) the commission may not require:
             4842          (A) a short-term lodging operator to remit a tax on a short-term lodging intermediary
             4843      charge that was not remitted to the
{   short-term lodging operator   }        commission       by the short-term lodging

             4844      intermediary; or

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