S.B. 255

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 8, 2013 3:31 PM

Senator Wayne A. Harper proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 6, Line 158 :    

             158      Subsection (1), shall be trained on
  and implement into practice the following items, in order of preference and priority       :

2.    Page 6, Line 173 :    

             173          (2) A guardian ad litem shall be trained
{   in   }        on and implement into practice       :

3.    Page 7, Lines 190 through 191 :    

             190      terminated and no appropriate adoption placement is available; and
             191          (i) the use of an individualized permanency plan, only as a last resort.
  (3) The Office of the Guardian ad Litem shall implement policies and practice guidelines that reflect the priorities described in Subsection (2)(e) through (i) for the placement of children.      

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