1st Sub. S.B. 260

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 7, 2013 8:56 AM

Senator Stephen H. Urquhart proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Line 21 through Page 2, Line 27 :    

             21      interactive software program shall include instruction for grades 2 and 3;

             22          .    provides that a school district or charter school that received a license during the
             23      prior year for the early intervention interactive computer software program shall be
             24      given first priority to receive a license during the current year
{   ; and   }        .      

{   .    requires the Education Interim Committee to study the reading performance of

             26      students enrolled in a half-day kindergarten program as compared to the reading performance
             27      of students enrolled in an all-day kindergarten program.  

2.    Page 2, Lines 29 through 38 :    

             29          This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2014:
             30          .    to the State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Contracts and Grants -
             31      K-3 Reading Diagnostic Assessment System, as an ongoing appropriation:
             32              .    from the Education Fund, ($2,200,000);

             33          .    to the State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Contracts and Grants -
             34      Early Intervention, as an ongoing appropriation:
             35              .    from the Education Fund,
{   $2,500,000; and   }        $2,200,000.      

{       .    to the State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Contracts and Grants -

             37      Early Intervention, as a one-time appropriation:
             38              .    from the Education Fund, $5,000,000.  

3.    Page 2, Lines 47 through 49 :    

             47          53A-17a-167, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 420
{   Uncodified Material Affected:

             49      ENACTS UNCODIFIED MATERIAL  

4.    Page 11, Lines 329 through 333 :    

             329          (6) [The] (a) Subject to legislative appropriations, by June 30 of each year, the State
             330      Board of Education shall select one or more technology providers, through a request for
             331      proposals process, to provide an interactive computer software program for literacy
{   or

             332      numeracy  
{   , or both,   } and assessments for students in kindergarten [and] through

     grade [1] 3.

5.    Page 12, Lines 346 through 351 :    

{   Section 5. Interim study of kindergarten programs.

             347          The Education Interim Committee shall study a comparison of the student reading
             348      performance of students enrolled in a half-day kindergarten program to the student reading
             349      performance of students enrolled in an all-day kindergarten program, as measured by the
             350      benchmark assessments of kindergarten students reading at grade level required in Section
             351      53A-17a-150 .  

6.    Page 12, Line 363 through Page 13, Line 367 :    

             363          To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
             364          From Education Fund
     {   $2,500,000   }        $2,200,000      

{   From Education Fund, one-time    $5,000,000   }

             366          Schedule of Programs:
             367              Contracts and Grants - Early Intervention        
{   $7,500,000   }        $2,200,000      

7.    Page 13, Lines 368 through 372 :    

             368          The Legislature intends that:
             369          (1) the appropriation for Contracts and Grants - Early Intervention be used by the State
             370      Board of Education to select one or more technology providers to provide an interactive
             371      computer software program for literacy
{   or numeracy   } instruction      {   , or both,   } and assessments for

             372      students
{   in kindergarten and grade 1   } as described in Subsection 53A-17a-167 (6);

Renumber remaining sections accordingly.

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