S.B. 261

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 4 March 7, 2013 9:18 AM

Senator Todd Weiler proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 47, Line 1434 through Page 47a, Line 1448h
    a.Senate Committee Amendments
    b.3-6-2013 :

             1434          32B-5-311. Private events at retail licensee premises.
             1435          S.
{   (1)   } .S Subject to S. [Section] Sections .S 32B-5-309 S. and 32B-6-505 .S , a

             1435a      retail licensee may temporarily rent or otherwise
             1436      temporarily lease its premises to a person after the hours the retail licensee may sell, offer for
             1437      sale, or furnish an alcoholic product if:
             1438          S.
{   [   } (1)      {   ]   }      {   (a)   } .S the person who temporarily rents or leases the licensed premises obtains an

             1438a      event
             1439      permit under Chapter 9, Event Permit Act, for the time period that the retail licensee rents or
             1440      otherwise leases its licensed premises;
             1441          S.
{   [   } (2)      {   ]   }      {   (b)   } .S the event for which the licensed premises are leased is not open to the

             1441a      public;
             1442          S.
{   [   } (3)      {   ]   }      {   (c)   } .S the person to whom the retail licensee rents or leases the premises agrees in

             1442a      writing
             1443      to comply with this title as if the person is the retail licensee, except for:
             1444          S.
{   [   } (a)      {   ]   }      {   (i)   } .S a requirement related to making or maintaining a record; and

             1445          S.
{   [   } (b)      {   ]   }      {   (ii)   } .S the hours during which an alcoholic product may be sold, offered for sale,

             1445a      or
             1446      furnished; and
             1447          S.
{   [   } (4)      {   ]   }      {   (d)   } .S the retail licensee takes reasonable steps to ensure that the person complies

             1447a      with
             1448      this section.
             1448a      S.
{   (2) Subject to Sections 32B-5-309 and 32-6-505, a retail licensee may temporarily rent or

             1448b      otherwise temporarily lease its premises for a private event during the hours the retail.S
             1448c      S.licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product if:

             1448d      (a) the person to whom the retail licensee rents or leases the premises agrees in writing to
             1448e      comply with this title as if the person is the retail licensee, except for a requirement related to
             1448f      making or maintaining a record; and
             1448g      (b) the retail licensee takes reasonable steps to ensure that the person complies with this
             1448h      section as provided in Subsection (2)(a).  

2.    Page 52, Line 1605 :    

             1605      alcoholic product.
  (15) Subject to Section 32B-5-309, a full-service restaurant licensee may not temporarily rent or otherwise temporarily lease its premises to a person unless:

    (a) the person to whom the full-service restaurant licensee rents or leases the premises agrees in writing to comply with this title as if the person is the full-service restaurant licensee, except for a requirement related to making or maintaining a record; and
    (b) the full-service restaurant licensee takes reasonable steps to ensure that the person complies with this title as provided in Subsection (15)(a).  

3.    Page 58, Line 1770
    Senate Committee Amendments
    3-6-2013 :

             1770      containers of an alcoholic product.
       (15) Subject to Section 32B-5-309, a limited-service restaurant licensee may not temporarily rent or otherwise temporarily lease its premises to a person unless:

    (a) the person to whom the limited-service restaurant licensee rents or leases the premises agrees in writing to comply with this title as if the person is the limited-service restaurant licensee, except for a requirement related to making or maintaining a record; and
    (b) the limited-service restaurant licensee takes reasonable steps to ensure that the person complies with this title as provided in Subsection (15)(a).     

4.    Page 62, Line 1893 :    

             1893      containers of beer.
  (14) Subject to Section 32B-5-309, a beer-only restaurant licensee may not temporarily rent or otherwise temporarily lease its premises to a person unless:

    (a) the person to whom the beer-only restaurant licensee rents or leases the premises agrees in writing to comply with this title as if the person is the beer-only restaurant licensee, except for a requirement related to making or maintaining a record; and
    (b) the beer-only restaurant licensee takes reasonable steps to ensure that the person complies with this title as provided in Subsection (14)(a).  

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