S.J.R. 14

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 March 5, 2013 6:55 PM

Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 9 through 14 :    

             9      General Description:
             10          This joint resolution amends Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 62 by providing that
{   certain

             11      political subdivisions of the state  
  municipalities       shall post a bond upon appeal.

             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This resolution:
             14          .    states that a
{   town, city, county, or local district   }        municipality       is not a state agency for the purpose

2.    Page 2, Lines 52 through 56 :    

             52          (e) (2) For purposes of this rule, a
{   town, city, county, or local district   }        municipality       shall not be

             53      considered a state agency exempt from the requirement of posting a bond, obligation, or other
             54      security when appealing a judgment for any amounts in excess of $5,000,000. To stay the
             55      enforcement of any judgment over $5,000,000, the
{   town, city, county, or local district   }        municipality       shall be

             56      required to post security with the appellate court in the amount by which the judgment exceeds

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