First Substitute H.B. 302

Representative Rebecca P. Edwards proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Rebecca P. Edwards

Senate Sponsor: John L. Valentine

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions relating to a voter registration record.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    allows a voter to request that the voter's voter registration record be classified as a
             13      private record;
             14              .    by filing a signed form with the county clerk;
             15              .    on the voter registration form; or
             16              .    in response to a voter registration notice;
             17          .    requires a county clerk, upon request from a voter, to update the voter's voter
             18      registration record to show that the voter registration record is classified as a private
             19      record;
             20          .    amends provisions relating to public records;
             21          .    includes as a private record:
             22              .    a voter registration record designated by a voter as private; and
             23              .    the portion of a voter registration record that contains a voter's date of birth; and
             24          .    makes conforming changes.
             25      Money Appropriated in this Bill:

             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      AMENDS:
             31           20A-2-104 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 197
             32           20A-2-108 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 219
             33           20A-2-306 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 297
             34           20A-2-308 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 74
             35           20A-6-105 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 285
             36           63G-2-301 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 231, 296, 426, and 445
             37           63G-2-302 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 216, 335, and 426
             39      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             40          Section 1. Section 20A-2-104 is amended to read:
             41           20A-2-104. Voter registration form -- Registered voter lists -- Fees for copies.
             42          (1) Every person applying to be registered shall complete a registration form printed in
             43      substantially the following form:
             44      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             46      Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yes No
             47      Will you be 18 years old on or before election day? Yes No
             48      If you checked "no" to either of the above two questions, do not complete this form.
             49      Name of Voter
             50      _________________________________________________________________
             51                      First             Middle          Last
             52      Utah Driver License or Utah Identification Card Number____________________________

             53      Date of Birth ______________________________________________________
             54      Street Address of Principal Place of Residence
             55      ____________________________________________________________________________

             56          City          County          State          Zip Code
             57      Telephone Number (optional) _________________________
             58      Last four digits of Social Security Number ______________________
             59      Last former address at which I was registered to vote (if
             60      known)__________________________
             61      ____________________________________________________________________________
             62          City            County            State         Zip Code
             63      Political Party
             64      (a listing of each registered political party, as defined in Section 20A-8-101 and maintained by
             65      the lieutenant governor under Section 67-1a-2 , with each party's name preceded by a checkbox)
             66      .Unaffiliated (no political party preference) .Other (Please specify)___________________
             67          I do swear (or affirm), subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the
             68      information contained in this form is true, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a
             69      resident of the state of Utah, residing at the above address. I will be at least 18 years old and
             70      will have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before the next election. I am not a
             71      convicted felon currently incarcerated for commission of a felony.
             72          Signed and sworn
             73          __________________________________________________________
             74                          Voter's Signature
             75          _______________(month/day/year).
             76          Do you want your voter registration record to be classified as a private record? Yes No

             78      Name:
             79      Name at birth, if different:
             80      Place of birth:
             81      Date of birth:
             82      Date and place of naturalization (if applicable):
             83          I hereby swear and affirm, under penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that I am a
             84      citizen and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information above is true and
             85      correct.
             86      ____________________________

             87      Signature of Applicant
             88          In accordance with Section 20A-2-401, the penalty for willfully causing, procuring, or
             89      allowing yourself to be registered to vote if you know you are not entitled to register to vote is
             90      up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
             94      PHOTOGRAPH; OR
             96      CURRENT ADDRESS.
             97      FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
             98                              Type of I.D. ____________________________
             99                              Voting Precinct _________________________
             100                              Voting I.D. Number _____________________
             101      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             102          (2) (a) Except as provided under Subsection (2)(b), the county clerk shall retain a copy
             103      of each voter registration form in a permanent countywide alphabetical file, which may be
             104      electronic or some other recognized system.
             105          (b) The county clerk may transfer a superceded voter registration form to the Division
             106      of Archives and Records Service created under Section 63A-12-101 .
             107          (3) (a) Each county clerk shall retain lists of currently registered voters.
             108          (b) The lieutenant governor shall maintain a list of registered voters in electronic form.
             109          (c) If there are any discrepancies between the two lists, the county clerk's list is the
             110      official list.
             111          (d) The lieutenant governor and the county clerks may charge the fees established
             112      under the authority of Subsection 63G-2-203 (10) to individuals who wish to obtain a copy of
             113      the list of registered voters.
             114          (4) When political parties not listed on the voter registration form qualify as registered
             115      political parties under Title 20A, Chapter 8, Political Party Formation and Procedures, the
             116      lieutenant governor shall inform the county clerks about the name of the new political party
             117      and direct the county clerks to ensure that the voter registration form is modified to include that

             118      political party.
             119          (5) Upon receipt of a voter registration form from an applicant, the county clerk or the
             120      clerk's designee shall:
             121          (a) review each voter registration form for completeness and accuracy; and
             122          (b) if the county clerk believes, based upon a review of the form, that a person may be
             123      seeking to register to vote who is not legally entitled to register to vote, refer the form to the
             124      county attorney for investigation and possible prosecution.
             125          Section 2. Section 20A-2-108 is amended to read:
             126           20A-2-108. Driver license registration form -- Transmittal of information.
             127          (1) The lieutenant governor and the Driver License Division shall design the driver
             128      license application and renewal forms to include the question "if you are not registered to vote
             129      where you live now, would you like to register to vote today?"
             130          (2) (a) The lieutenant governor and the Driver License Division shall design a motor
             131      voter registration form to be used in conjunction with driver license application and renewal
             132      forms.
             133          (b) Each driver license application and renewal form shall contain:
             134          (i) a place for the applicant to decline to register to vote;
             135          (ii) an eligibility statement in substantially the following form:
             136          "I do swear (or affirm), subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the
             137      information contained in this form is true, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a
             138      resident of the state of Utah, residing at the above address. I will be at least 18 years old and
             139      will have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before the next election.
             140      Signed and sworn
             141      ____________________________________________________
             142                  Voter's Signature
             143      __________(month\day\year)[";]
             144          Do you want your voter registration record to be classified as a private record? Yes
             145      No";
             146          (iii) a citizenship affidavit in substantially the following form:

             148      Name:

             149      Name at birth, if different:
             150      Place of birth:
             151      Date of birth:
             152      Date and place of naturalization (if applicable):
             153          I hereby swear and affirm, under penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that I am a
             154      citizen and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information above is true and
             155      correct.
             156      ____________________________
             157      Signature of Applicant
             158          In accordance with Section 20A-2-401 , the penalty for willfully causing, procuring, or
             159      allowing yourself to be registered to vote if you know you are not entitled to register to vote is
             160      up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500";
             161          (iv) a statement that if an applicant declines to register to vote, the fact that the
             162      applicant has declined to register will remain confidential and will be used only for voter
             163      registration purposes; and
             164          (v) a statement that if an applicant does register to vote, the office at which the
             165      applicant submits a voter registration application will remain confidential and will be used only
             166      for voter registration purposes.
             167          (3) Upon receipt of a voter registration form from an applicant, the county clerk or the
             168      clerk's designee shall:
             169          (a) review the voter registration form for completeness and accuracy; and
             170          (b) if the county clerk believes, based upon a review of the form, that a person may be
             171      seeking to register to vote who is not legally entitled to register to vote, refer the form to the
             172      county attorney for investigation and possible prosecution.
             173          Section 3. Section 20A-2-306 is amended to read:
             174           20A-2-306. Removing names from the official register -- Determining and
             175      confirming change of residence.
             176          (1) A county clerk may not remove a voter's name from the official register on the
             177      grounds that the voter has changed residence unless the voter:
             178          (a) confirms in writing that the voter has changed residence to a place outside the
             179      county; or

             180          (b) (i) has not voted in an election during the period beginning on the date of the notice
             181      required by Subsection (3), and ending on the day after the date of the second regular general
             182      election occurring after the date of the notice; and
             183          (ii) has failed to respond to the notice required by Subsection (3).
             184          (2) (a) When a county clerk obtains information that a voter's address has changed and
             185      it appears that the voter still resides within the same county, the county clerk shall:
             186          (i) change the official register to show the voter's new address; and
             187          (ii) send to the voter, by forwardable mail, the notice required by Subsection (3)
             188      printed on a postage prepaid, preaddressed return form.
             189          (b) When a county clerk obtains information that a voter's address has changed and it
             190      appears that the voter now resides in a different county, the county clerk shall verify the
             191      changed residence by sending to the voter, by forwardable mail, the notice required by
             192      Subsection (3) printed on a postage prepaid, preaddressed return form.
             193          (3) Each county clerk shall use substantially the following form to notify voters whose
             194      addresses have changed:
             195          "VOTER REGISTRATION NOTICE
             196          We have been notified that your residence has changed. Please read, complete, and
             197      return this form so that we can update our voter registration records. What is your current
             198      street address?
             199      ___________________________________________________________________________
             200      Street                  City             County        State        Zip
             201          If you have not changed your residence or have moved but stayed within the same
             202      county, you must complete and return this form to the county clerk so that it is received by the
             203      county clerk no later than 30 days before the date of the election. If you fail to return this form
             204      within that time:
             205          - you may be required to show evidence of your address to the poll worker before being
             206      allowed to vote in either of the next two regular general elections; or
             207          - if you fail to vote at least once from the date this notice was mailed until the passing
             208      of two regular general elections, you will no longer be registered to vote. If you have changed
             209      your residence and have moved to a different county in Utah, you may register to vote by
             210      contacting the county clerk in your county.

             211          Do you want your voter registration record to be classified as a private record? Yes No
             212      ________________________________________
             213      Signature of Voter"
             214          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), the county clerk may not remove the
             215      names of any voters from the official register during the 90 days before a regular primary
             216      election and the 90 days before a regular general election.
             217          (b) The county clerk may remove the names of voters from the official register during
             218      the 90 days before a regular primary election and the 90 days before a regular general election
             219      if:
             220          (i) the voter requests, in writing, that the voter's name be removed; or
             221          (ii) the voter has died.
             222          (c) (i) After a county clerk mails a notice as required in this section, the clerk may list
             223      that voter as inactive.
             224          (ii) An inactive voter shall be allowed to vote, sign petitions, and have all other
             225      privileges of a registered voter.
             226          (iii) A county is not required to send routine mailings to inactive voters and is not
             227      required to count inactive voters when dividing precincts and preparing supplies.
             228          Section 4. Section 20A-2-308 is amended to read:
             229           20A-2-308. Lieutenant governor and county clerks to preserve records.
             230          (1) As used in this section:
             231          (a) "Voter registration [records] record" means [all records] a record concerning the
             232      implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring that the
             233      official register is accurate and current.
             234          (b) "Voter registration [records] record" does not mean [records] a record that:
             235          (i) relate to a person's decision to decline to register to vote; and
             236          (ii) [identify] identifies the particular public assistance agency, discretionary voter
             237      registration agency, or Driver License Division through which a particular voter registered to
             238      vote.
             239          (2) The lieutenant governor and each county clerk shall:
             240          (a) preserve for at least two years all records relating to voter registration, including:
             241          (i) the official register; and

             242          (ii) the names and addresses of all persons to whom the notice required by Section
             243      20A-2-306 was sent and a notation as to whether or not the person responded to the notice;
             244          (b) make [the records] a voter registration record available for public inspection, except
             245      for [the] a voter registration record, or part of [the] a voter registration record that is classified
             246      as private under Section 63G-2-302 [, available for public inspection]; and
             247          (c) allow [the records] a record described in Subsection (2)(b) [to be photocopied]:
             248          (i) that is not classified as a private record, to be copied for a reasonable cost[.]; or
             249          (ii) that is a public record, and that does not contain the part of the voter registration
             250      record that is classified as a private record under Section 63G-2-302 , to be copied for a
             251      reasonable cost.
             252          (3) (a) An individual may request that the individual's voter registration record be
             253      classified as a private record under Section 63G-2-302 :
             254          (i) by filing a signed form with the county clerk;
             255          (ii) on the voter registration form as provided in Section 20A-2-104 , 20A-2-108 , or
             256      20A-6-105 or Subsection 20A-2-206 (2)(b); or
             257          (iii) in response to a voter registration notice issued under Section 20A-2-306 ;
             258          (b) A county clerk who receives a request from an individual under Subsection (3)(a)
             259      shall change the individual's voter registration record to show that the individual's voter
             260      registration record is classified as private.
             261          Section 5. Section 20A-6-105 is amended to read:
             262           20A-6-105. Provisional ballot envelopes.
             263          (1) Each election officer shall ensure that provisional ballot envelopes are printed in
             264      substantially the following form:
             265          "AFFIRMATION
             266      Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yes No
             267      Will you be 18 years old on or before election day? Yes No
             268      If you checked "no" in response to either of the two above questions, do not complete this
             269      form.
             270          Name of Voter _________________________________________________________
             271                      First             Middle            Last
             272          Driver License or Identification Card Number _________________________________

             273          State of Issuance of Driver License or Identification Card Number _________________
             274          Date of Birth ___________________________________________________________
             275          Street Address of Principal Place of Residence
             276          ______________________________________________________________________
             277              City            County            State        Zip Code
             278          Telephone Number (optional) ______________________________________________
             279          Last four digits of Social Security Number ____________________________
             280          Last former address at which I was registered to vote (if known)
             281          ______________________________________________________________________
             282              City            County            State        Zip Code
             283          Voting Precinct (if known)
             284      _________________________________________________
             285          I, (please print your full name)__________________________do solemnly swear or
             286      affirm:
             287          That I am currently registered to vote in the state of Utah and am eligible to vote in this
             288      election; that I have not voted in this election in any other precinct; that I am eligible to vote in
             289      this precinct; and that I request that I be permitted to vote in this precinct; and
             290          Subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the information contained in this
             291      form is true, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of Utah, residing at the
             292      above address; and that I am at least 18 years old and have resided in Utah for the 30 days
             293      immediately before this election.
             294      Signed ______________________________________________________________________
             295      Dated ______________________________________________________________________
             296          In accordance with Section 20A-3-506 , wilfully providing false information above is a
             297      class B misdemeanor under Utah law and is punishable by imprisonment and by fine.["]
             298          Do you want your voter registration record to be classified as a private record? Yes No"
             299          "CITIZENSHIP AFFIDAVIT
             300          Name:
             301          Name at birth, if different:
             302          Place of birth:
             303          Date of birth:

             304          Date and place of naturalization (if applicable):
             305          I hereby swear and affirm, under penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that I am a
             306      citizen and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information above is true and
             307      correct.
             308                                      ____________________________
             309                                          Signature of Applicant
             310          In accordance with Section 20A-2-401 , the penalty for willfully causing, procuring, or
             311      allowing yourself to be registered to vote if you know you are not entitled to register to vote is
             312      up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500."
             313          (2) The provisional ballot envelope shall include:
             314          (a) a unique number;
             315          (b) a detachable part that includes the unique number; and
             316          (c) a telephone number, internet address, or other indicator of a means, in accordance
             317      with Section 20A-6-105.5 , where the voter can find out if the provisional ballot was counted.
             318          Section 6. Section 63G-2-301 is amended to read:
             319           63G-2-301. Public records.
             320          (1) As used in this section:
             321          (a) "Business address" means a single address of a governmental agency designated for
             322      the public to contact an employee or officer of the governmental agency.
             323          (b) "Business email address" means a single email address of a governmental agency
             324      designated for the public to contact an employee or officer of the governmental agency.
             325          (c) "Business telephone number" means a single telephone number of a governmental
             326      agency designated for the public to contact an employee or officer of the governmental agency.
             327          (2) The following records are public except to the extent they contain information
             328      expressly permitted to be treated confidentially under the provisions of Subsections
             329      63G-2-201 (3)(b) and (6)(a):
             330          (a) laws;
             331          (b) the name, gender, gross compensation, job title, job description, business address,
             332      business email address, business telephone number, number of hours worked per pay period,
             333      dates of employment, and relevant education, previous employment, and similar job
             334      qualifications of a current or former employee or officer of the governmental entity, excluding:

             335          (i) undercover law enforcement personnel; and
             336          (ii) investigative personnel if disclosure could reasonably be expected to impair the
             337      effectiveness of investigations or endanger any individual's safety;
             338          (c) final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, and orders that are
             339      made by a governmental entity in an administrative, adjudicative, or judicial proceeding except
             340      that if the proceedings were properly closed to the public, the opinion and order may be
             341      withheld to the extent that they contain information that is private, controlled, or protected;
             342          (d) final interpretations of statutes or rules by a governmental entity unless classified as
             343      protected as provided in Subsection 63G-2-305 (17) or (18);
             344          (e) information contained in or compiled from a transcript, minutes, or report of the
             345      open portions of a meeting of a governmental entity as provided by Title 52, Chapter 4, Open
             346      and Public Meetings Act, including the records of all votes of each member of the
             347      governmental entity;
             348          (f) judicial records unless a court orders the records to be restricted under the rules of
             349      civil or criminal procedure or unless the records are private under this chapter;
             350          (g) unless otherwise classified as private under Section 63G-2-303 , records or parts of
             351      records filed with or maintained by county recorders, clerks, treasurers, surveyors, zoning
             352      commissions, the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, the School and Institutional Trust
             353      Lands Administration, the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, the Division of Water Rights, or
             354      other governmental entities that give public notice of:
             355          (i) titles or encumbrances to real property;
             356          (ii) restrictions on the use of real property;
             357          (iii) the capacity of persons to take or convey title to real property; or
             358          (iv) tax status for real and personal property;
             359          (h) records of the Department of Commerce that evidence incorporations, mergers,
             360      name changes, and uniform commercial code filings;
             361          (i) data on individuals that would otherwise be private under this chapter if the
             362      individual who is the subject of the record has given the governmental entity written
             363      permission to make the records available to the public;
             364          (j) documentation of the compensation that a governmental entity pays to a contractor
             365      or private provider;

             366          (k) summary data;
             367          (l) voter registration records, including an individual's voting history, except for a voter
             368      registration record, or those parts of [the] a voter registration record, that are classified as
             369      private in Subsection 63G-2-302 (1)(j);
             370          (m) for an elected official, as defined in Section 11-47-102 , a telephone number, if
             371      available, and email address, if available, where that elected official may be reached as required
             372      in Title 11, Chapter 47, Access to Elected Officials;
             373          (n) for a school community council member, a telephone number, if available, and
             374      email address, if available, where that elected official may be reached directly as required in
             375      Section 53A-1a-108.1 ;
             376          (o) annual audited financial statements of the Utah Educational Savings Plan described
             377      in Section 53B-8a-111 ; and
             378          (p) an initiative packet, as defined in Section 20A-7-101 , and a referendum packet, as
             379      defined in Section 20A-7-101 , after the packet is submitted to a county clerk.
             380          (3) The following records are normally public, but to the extent that a record is
             381      expressly exempt from disclosure, access may be restricted under Subsection 63G-2-201 (3)(b),
             382      Section 63G-2-302 , 63G-2-304 , or 63G-2-305 :
             383          (a) administrative staff manuals, instructions to staff, and statements of policy;
             384          (b) records documenting a contractor's or private provider's compliance with the terms
             385      of a contract with a governmental entity;
             386          (c) records documenting the services provided by a contractor or a private provider to
             387      the extent the records would be public if prepared by the governmental entity;
             388          (d) contracts entered into by a governmental entity;
             389          (e) any account, voucher, or contract that deals with the receipt or expenditure of funds
             390      by a governmental entity;
             391          (f) records relating to government assistance or incentives publicly disclosed,
             392      contracted for, or given by a governmental entity, encouraging a person to expand or relocate a
             393      business in Utah, except as provided in Subsection 63G-2-305 (35);
             394          (g) chronological logs and initial contact reports;
             395          (h) correspondence by and with a governmental entity in which the governmental entity
             396      determines or states an opinion upon the rights of the state, a political subdivision, the public,

             397      or any person;
             398          (i) empirical data contained in drafts if:
             399          (i) the empirical data is not reasonably available to the requester elsewhere in similar
             400      form; and
             401          (ii) the governmental entity is given a reasonable opportunity to correct any errors or
             402      make nonsubstantive changes before release;
             403          (j) drafts that are circulated to anyone other than:
             404          (i) a governmental entity;
             405          (ii) a political subdivision;
             406          (iii) a federal agency if the governmental entity and the federal agency are jointly
             407      responsible for implementation of a program or project that has been legislatively approved;
             408          (iv) a government-managed corporation; or
             409          (v) a contractor or private provider;
             410          (k) drafts that have never been finalized but were relied upon by the governmental
             411      entity in carrying out action or policy;
             412          (l) original data in a computer program if the governmental entity chooses not to
             413      disclose the program;
             414          (m) arrest warrants after issuance, except that, for good cause, a court may order
             415      restricted access to arrest warrants prior to service;
             416          (n) search warrants after execution and filing of the return, except that a court, for good
             417      cause, may order restricted access to search warrants prior to trial;
             418          (o) records that would disclose information relating to formal charges or disciplinary
             419      actions against a past or present governmental entity employee if:
             420          (i) the disciplinary action has been completed and all time periods for administrative
             421      appeal have expired; and
             422          (ii) the charges on which the disciplinary action was based were sustained;
             423          (p) records maintained by the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, the School
             424      and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, or the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining that
             425      evidence mineral production on government lands;
             426          (q) final audit reports;
             427          (r) occupational and professional licenses;

             428          (s) business licenses; and
             429          (t) a notice of violation, a notice of agency action under Section 63G-4-201 , or similar
             430      records used to initiate proceedings for discipline or sanctions against persons regulated by a
             431      governmental entity, but not including records that initiate employee discipline.
             432          (4) The list of public records in this section is not exhaustive and should not be used to
             433      limit access to records.
             434          Section 7. Section 63G-2-302 is amended to read:
             435           63G-2-302. Private records.
             436          (1) The following records are private:
             437          (a) records concerning an individual's eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits,
             438      social services, welfare benefits, or the determination of benefit levels;
             439          (b) records containing data on individuals describing medical history, diagnosis,
             440      condition, treatment, evaluation, or similar medical data;
             441          (c) records of publicly funded libraries that when examined alone or with other records
             442      identify a patron;
             443          (d) records received by or generated by or for:
             444          (i) the Independent Legislative Ethics Commission, except for:
             445          (A) the commission's summary data report that is required under legislative rule; and
             446          (B) any other document that is classified as public under legislative rule; or
             447          (ii) a Senate or House Ethics Committee in relation to the review of ethics complaints,
             448      unless the record is classified as public under legislative rule;
             449          (e) records received by, or generated by or for, the Independent Executive Branch
             450      Ethics Commission, except as otherwise expressly provided in Title 63A, Chapter 14, Review
             451      of Executive Branch Ethics Complaints;
             452          (f) records received or generated for a Senate confirmation committee concerning
             453      character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual:
             454          (i) if, prior to the meeting, the chair of the committee determines release of the records:
             455          (A) reasonably could be expected to interfere with the investigation undertaken by the
             456      committee; or
             457          (B) would create a danger of depriving a person of a right to a fair proceeding or
             458      impartial hearing; and

             459          (ii) after the meeting, if the meeting was closed to the public;
             460          (g) employment records concerning a current or former employee of, or applicant for
             461      employment with, a governmental entity that would disclose that individual's home address,
             462      home telephone number, Social Security number, insurance coverage, marital status, or payroll
             463      deductions;
             464          (h) records or parts of records under Section 63G-2-303 that a current or former
             465      employee identifies as private according to the requirements of that section;
             466          (i) that part of a record indicating a person's Social Security number or federal
             467      employer identification number if provided under Section 31A-23a-104 , 31A-25-202 ,
             468      31A-26-202 , 58-1-301 , 58-55-302 , 61-1-4 , or 61-2f-203 ;
             469          (j) (i) a voter registration record, if a voter requests that the voter's voter registration
             470      record be classified as private in accordance with Title 20A, Election Code; or
             471          (ii) that part of a voter registration record identifying a voter's:
             472          [(i)] (A) driver license or identification card number;
             473          [(ii)] (B) Social Security number, or last four digits of the Social Security number; [or]
             474          [(iii)] (C) email address; or
             475          (D) date of birth;
             476          (k) a record that:
             477          (i) contains information about an individual;
             478          (ii) is voluntarily provided by the individual; and
             479          (iii) goes into an electronic database that:
             480          (A) is designated by and administered under the authority of the Chief Information
             481      Officer; and
             482          (B) acts as a repository of information about the individual that can be electronically
             483      retrieved and used to facilitate the individual's online interaction with a state agency;
             484          (l) information provided to the Commissioner of Insurance under:
             485          (i) Subsection 31A-23a-115 (2)(a);
             486          (ii) Subsection 31A-23a-302 (3); or
             487          (iii) Subsection 31A-26-210 (3);
             488          (m) information obtained through a criminal background check under Title 11, Chapter
             489      40, Criminal Background Checks by Political Subdivisions Operating Water Systems;

             490          (n) information provided by an offender that is:
             491          (i) required by the registration requirements of Title 77, Chapter 41, Sex and Kidnap
             492      Offender Registry; and
             493          (ii) not required to be made available to the public under Subsection 77-41-110 (4);
             494          (o) a statement and any supporting documentation filed with the attorney general in
             495      accordance with Section 34-45-107 , if the federal law or action supporting the filing involves
             496      homeland security;
             497          (p) electronic toll collection customer account information received or collected under
             498      Section 72-6-118 and customer information described in Section 17B-2a-815 received or
             499      collected by a public transit district, including contact and payment information and customer
             500      travel data;
             501          (q) an email address provided by a military or overseas voter under Section
             502      20A-16-501 ;
             503          (r) a completed military-overseas ballot that is electronically transmitted under Title
             504      20A, Chapter 16, Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act;
             505          (s) records received by or generated by or for the Political Subdivisions Ethics Review
             506      Commission established in Section 11-49-201 , except for:
             507          (i) the commission's summary data report that is required in Section 11-49-202 ; and
             508          (ii) any other document that is classified as public in accordance with Title 11, Chapter
             509      49, Political Subdivisions Ethics Review Commission; and
             510          (t) a record described in Subsection 53A-11a-203 (3) that verifies that a parent was
             511      notified of an incident or threat.
             512          (2) The following records are private if properly classified by a governmental entity:
             513          (a) records concerning a current or former employee of, or applicant for employment
             514      with a governmental entity, including performance evaluations and personal status information
             515      such as race, religion, or disabilities, but not including records that are public under Subsection
             516      63G-2-301 (2)(b) or 63G-2-301 (3)(o) or private under Subsection (1)(b);
             517          (b) records describing an individual's finances, except that the following are public:
             518          (i) records described in Subsection 63G-2-301 (2);
             519          (ii) information provided to the governmental entity for the purpose of complying with
             520      a financial assurance requirement; or

             521          (iii) records that must be disclosed in accordance with another statute;
             522          (c) records of independent state agencies if the disclosure of those records would
             523      conflict with the fiduciary obligations of the agency;
             524          (d) other records containing data on individuals the disclosure of which constitutes a
             525      clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
             526          (e) records provided by the United States or by a government entity outside the state
             527      that are given with the requirement that the records be managed as private records, if the
             528      providing entity states in writing that the record would not be subject to public disclosure if
             529      retained by it; and
             530          (f) any portion of a record in the custody of the Division of Aging and Adult Services,
             531      created in Section 62A-3-102 , that may disclose, or lead to the discovery of, the identity of a
             532      person who made a report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
             533          (3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3), "medical records" means medical reports,
             534      records, statements, history, diagnosis, condition, treatment, and evaluation.
             535          (b) Medical records in the possession of the University of Utah Hospital, its clinics,
             536      doctors, or affiliated entities are not private records or controlled records under Section
             537      63G-2-304 when the records are sought:
             538          (i) in connection with any legal or administrative proceeding in which the patient's
             539      physical, mental, or emotional condition is an element of any claim or defense; or
             540          (ii) after a patient's death, in any legal or administrative proceeding in which any party
             541      relies upon the condition as an element of the claim or defense.
             542          (c) Medical records are subject to production in a legal or administrative proceeding
             543      according to state or federal statutes or rules of procedure and evidence as if the medical
             544      records were in the possession of a nongovernmental medical care provider.

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