H.B. 262





Chief Sponsor: Kraig Powell

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill enacts language related to the minimum vote requirements of a local governing
             10      body.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    requires a majority vote of the total number of voting members to pass an ordinance
             14      or resolution or take other action for the following local governing bodies:
             15              .    a municipal council;
             16              .    a county legislative body;
             17              .    a local district board of trustees;
             18              .    the board of a community development and renewal agency;
             19              .    a taxing entity committee; and
             20              .    a conservation district board of supervisors; and
             21          .    makes technical corrections.
             22      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      AMENDS:

             28           10-3-507 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 176
             29           17-53-203 , as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 133
             30           17B-1-310 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 448
             31           17C-1-203 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 125
             32           17C-1-402 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 80
             33           17D-3-301 , as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 360
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 10-3-507 is amended to read:
             37           10-3-507. Minimum vote required.
             38          (1) The minimum number of yes votes required to pass any ordinance or resolution, or
             39      to take any action by the council, unless otherwise prescribed by law, is a majority of the total
             40      number of voting members of the council, regardless of the number of voting members of the
             41      council present at the meeting, and without considering any vacancy in the council.
             42          (2) (a) Any ordinance, resolution, or motion of the council having fewer favorable
             43      votes than required in this section is defeated and invalid.
             44          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), a council meeting may be adjourned to a
             45      specific time by a majority vote of the council even though the majority vote is less than that
             46      required in this section.
             47          (3) A majority of the council members, regardless of number, may fill any vacancy in
             48      the council as provided under Section 20A-1-510 .
             49          Section 2. Section 17-53-203 is amended to read:
             50           17-53-203. Chair -- Oaths -- Minimum vote required.
             51          (1) Each county legislative body shall elect one of their number chair and may elect a
             52      vice chair.
             53          (2) (a) The chair shall preside at all meetings of the county legislative body, and in case
             54      of the chair's absence or inability to act, the vice chair, if there is one, shall preside.
             55          (b) If both the chair and vice chair, if there is one, are absent or unable to act, the
             56      members present shall, by an order entered in their minutes, select one of their number to act as
             57      chair temporarily.
             58          (3) Any member of the county legislative body may administer oaths to any person

             59      when necessary in the performance of official duties.
             60          (4) Not less than a majority of members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
             61      business[, and no act of the county legislative body shall be valid or binding unless a majority
             62      of members present when a quorum is present concurs therein].
             63          (5) Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the minimum number of yes votes required to
             64      pass any ordinance or resolution, or to take any action by the county legislative body, is a
             65      majority of the total number of voting members of the legislative body, regardless of the
             66      number of voting members of the legislative body present at the meeting, and without
             67      considering any vacancy in the legislative body.
             68          Section 3. Section 17B-1-310 is amended to read:
             69           17B-1-310. Minimum vote of board of trustees -- Meetings of the board.
             70          (1) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a majority of the board of trustees
             71      constitutes a quorum for the transaction of board business[, and action by a majority of a
             72      quorum constitutes action of the board].
             73          (ii) The minimum number of yes votes required to pass any ordinance or resolution, or
             74      to take any action by the board of trustees, is a majority of the total number of voting members
             75      of the board, regardless of the number of voting members of the board present at the meeting,
             76      and without considering any vacancy in the board.
             77          [(ii)] (iii) Except as otherwise required by law, an otherwise valid action of the board is
             78      not made invalid because of the method chosen by the board to take or memorialize the action.
             79          (b) (i) Subject to Subsection (1)(b)(ii), a board may adopt bylaws or other rules that
             80      require more than a majority to constitute a quorum or that require action by more than a
             81      majority [of a quorum] to constitute action by the board.
             82          (ii) A board with five or more members may not adopt bylaws or rules that require a
             83      vote of more than two-thirds of the board to constitute board action except for a board action to
             84      dispose of real property owned by the local district.
             85          (2) The board of trustees shall hold such regular and special meetings as the board
             86      determines at a location that the board determines.
             87          (3) (a) Each meeting of the board of trustees shall comply with Title 52, Chapter 4,
             88      Open and Public Meetings Act.
             89          (b) Subject to Subsection (3)(c), a board of trustees shall:

             90          (i) adopt rules of order and procedure to govern a public meeting of the board of
             91      trustees;
             92          (ii) conduct a public meeting in accordance with the rules of order and procedure
             93      described in Subsection (3)(b)(i); and
             94          (iii) make the rules of order and procedure described in Subsection (3)(b)(i) available
             95      to the public:
             96          (A) at each meeting of the board of trustees; and
             97          (B) on the local district's public website, if available.
             98          (c) Subsection (3)(b) does not affect the board of trustees' duty to comply with Title 52,
             99      Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
             100          Section 4. Section 17C-1-203 is amended to read:
             101           17C-1-203. Agency board -- Minimum vote required.
             102          (1) The governing body of an agency is a board consisting of the current members of
             103      the legislative body of the community that created the agency.
             104          (2) A majority of board members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of agency
             105      business.
             106          (3) An agency board may not adopt a resolution, pass a motion, or take any other
             107      official board action without the concurrence of at least a majority of the total number of the
             108      voting board members [present at a meeting at which a quorum is present], regardless of the
             109      number of voting members of the board present at the meeting, and without considering any
             110      vacancy in the board.
             111          (4) The mayor of a municipality operating under a council-mayor form of government,
             112      as defined in Section 10-3b-102 :
             113          (a) serves as the executive director of an agency created by the municipality; and
             114          (b) exercises the executive powers of the agency.
             115          Section 5. Section 17C-1-402 is amended to read:
             116           17C-1-402. Taxing entity committee.
             117          (1) Each agency that adopts or proposes to adopt a post-June 30, 1993, urban renewal
             118      or economic development project area plan shall, and any other agency may, cause a taxing
             119      entity committee to be created.
             120          (2) (a) (i) Each taxing entity committee shall be composed of:

             121          (A) two school district representatives appointed as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
             122          (B) (I) in a county of the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class, two representatives
             123      appointed by resolution of the legislative body of the county in which the agency is located; or
             124          (II) in a county of the first class, one representative appointed by the county executive
             125      and one representative appointed by the legislative body of the county in which the agency is
             126      located;
             127          (C) if the agency was created by a city or town, two representatives appointed by
             128      resolution of the legislative body of that city or town;
             129          (D) one representative appointed by the State Board of Education; and
             130          (E) one representative selected by majority vote of the legislative bodies or governing
             131      boards of all other taxing entities that levy a tax on property within the agency's boundaries, to
             132      represent the interests of those taxing entities on the taxing entity committee.
             133          (ii) (A) If the agency boundaries include only one school district, that school district
             134      shall appoint the two school district representatives under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A).
             135          (B) If the agency boundaries include more than one school district, those school
             136      districts shall jointly appoint the two school district representatives under Subsection
             137      (2)(a)(i)(A).
             138          (b) (i) Each taxing entity committee representative under Subsection (2)(a) shall be
             139      appointed within 30 days after the agency provides notice of the creation of the taxing entity
             140      committee.
             141          (ii) If a representative is not appointed within the time required under Subsection
             142      (2)(b)(i), the agency board may appoint a person to serve on the taxing entity committee in the
             143      place of the missing representative until that representative is appointed.
             144          (c) (i) A taxing entity committee representative may be appointed for a set term or
             145      period of time, as determined by the appointing authority under Subsection (2)(a)(i).
             146          (ii) Each taxing entity committee representative shall serve until a successor is
             147      appointed and qualified.
             148          (d) (i) Upon the appointment of each representative under Subsection (2)(a)(i), whether
             149      an initial appointment or an appointment to replace an already serving representative, the
             150      appointing authority shall:
             151          (A) notify the agency in writing of the name and address of the newly appointed

             152      representative; and
             153          (B) provide the agency a copy of the resolution making the appointment or, if the
             154      appointment is not made by resolution, other evidence of the appointment.
             155          (ii) Each appointing authority of a taxing entity committee representative under
             156      Subsection (2)(a)(i) shall notify the agency in writing of any change of address of a
             157      representative appointed by that appointing authority.
             158          (3) At its first meeting, a taxing entity committee shall adopt an organizing resolution:
             159          (a) designating a chair and a secretary of the committee; and
             160          (b) if the committee considers it appropriate, governing the use of electronic meetings
             161      under Section 52-4-207 .
             162          (4) (a) A taxing entity committee represents all taxing entities regarding:
             163          (i) an urban renewal project area; or
             164          (ii) an economic development project area.
             165          (b) A taxing entity committee may:
             166          (i) cast votes that will be binding on all taxing entities;
             167          (ii) negotiate with the agency concerning a draft project area plan;
             168          (iii) approve or disapprove:
             169          (A) an urban renewal project area budget as provided in Section 17C-2-204 ; or
             170          (B) an economic development project area budget as provided in Section 17C-3-203 ;
             171          (iv) approve or disapprove amendments to a project area budget as provided in:
             172          (A) Section 17C-2-206 for an urban renewal project area budget; or
             173          (B) Section 17C-3-205 for an economic development project area budget;
             174          (v) approve exceptions to the limits on the value and size of a project area imposed
             175      under this title;
             176          (vi) approve:
             177          (A) exceptions to the percentage of tax increment to be paid to the agency;
             178          (B) the period of time that tax increment is to be paid to the agency; and
             179          (C) exceptions to the requirement for an urban renewal or economic development
             180      project area budget to include a maximum cumulative dollar amount of tax increment that the
             181      agency may receive;
             182          (vii) approve the use of tax increment for publicly owned infrastructure and

             183      improvements outside of an urban renewal or economic development project area that the
             184      agency and community legislative body determine to be of benefit to the urban renewal or
             185      economic development project area, as provided in Subsection 17C-1-409 (1)(a)(iii)(D);
             186          (viii) waive the restrictions imposed by Subsection 17C-2-202 (1);
             187          (ix) subject to Subsection (4)(c), designate in an approved urban renewal or economic
             188      development project area budget the base taxable value for that project area budget; and
             189          (x) give other taxing entity committee approval or consent required or allowed under
             190      this title.
             191          (c) The base year used for calculation of the base taxable value in Subsection (4)(b)(ix)
             192      may not be a year that is earlier than the year during which the project area plan became
             193      effective.
             194          (5) A quorum of a taxing entity committee for the transaction of business consists of:
             195          (a) if the project area is located within a city or town, five members; or
             196          (b) if the project area is not located within a city or town, four members.
             197          (6) Taxing entity committee approval, consent, or other action requires[:], unless
             198      otherwise prescribed by law, a majority of the total number of voting taxing entity committee
             199      members, regardless of the number of voting members of the taxing entity committee present at
             200      the meeting, and without considering any vacancy in the committee.
             201          [(a) the affirmative vote of a majority of all members present at a taxing entity
             202      committee meeting:]
             203          [(i) at which a quorum is present; and]
             204          [(ii) considering an action relating to a project area budget for, or approval of a finding
             205      of blight within, a project area or proposed project area that contains:]
             206          [(A) an inactive industrial site;]
             207          [(B) an inactive airport site; or]
             208          [(C) a closed military base; or]
             209          [(b) for any other action not described in Subsection (6)(a)(ii), the affirmative vote of
             210      two-thirds of all members present at a taxing entity committee meeting at which a quorum is
             211      present.]
             212          (7) (a) An agency may call a meeting of the taxing entity committee by sending written
             213      notice to the members of the taxing entity committee at least 10 days before the date of the

             214      meeting.
             215          (b) Each notice under Subsection (7)(a) shall be accompanied by:
             216          (i) the proposed agenda for the taxing entity committee meeting; and
             217          (ii) if not previously provided and if they exist and are to be considered at the meeting:
             218          (A) the project area plan or proposed plan;
             219          (B) the project area budget or proposed budget;
             220          (C) the analysis required under Subsection 17C-2-103 (2) or 17C-3-103 (2);
             221          (D) the blight study;
             222          (E) the agency's resolution making a finding of blight under Subsection
             223      17C-2-102 (1)(a)(ii)(B); and
             224          (F) other documents to be considered by the taxing entity committee at the meeting.
             225          (c) (i) An agency may not schedule a taxing entity committee meeting to meet on a day
             226      on which the Legislature is in session.
             227          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (7)(c)(i), the taxing entity committee may, by
             228      unanimous consent, waive the scheduling restriction described in Subsection (7)(c)(i).
             229          (8) (a) A taxing entity committee may not vote on a proposed project area budget or
             230      proposed amendment to a project area budget at the first meeting at which the proposed budget
             231      or amendment is considered unless all members of the taxing entity committee present at the
             232      meeting consent.
             233          (b) A second taxing entity committee meeting to consider a project area budget or a
             234      proposed amendment to a project area budget may not be held within 14 days after the first
             235      meeting unless all members of the taxing entity committee present at the first meeting consent.
             236          (9) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (9)(b), each taxing entity committee shall
             237      meet at least annually during the time that the agency receives tax increment under an urban
             238      renewal or economic development project area budget in order to review the status of the
             239      project area.
             240          (b) A taxing entity committee is not required under Subsection (9)(a) to meet if the
             241      agency submits on or before November 1 of each year to the county auditor, the State Tax
             242      Commission, the State Board of Education, and each taxing entity that levies a tax on property
             243      from which the agency collects tax increment, a report containing the following:
             244          (i) an assessment of growth of incremental values for each active project area,

             245      including:
             246          (A) the base year assessed value;
             247          (B) the prior year's assessed value;
             248          (C) the estimated current year assessed value for the project area; and
             249          (D) a narrative description of the relative growth in assessed value within the project
             250      area;
             251          (ii) a description of the amount of tax increment received by the agency and passed
             252      through to other taxing entities from each active project area, including:
             253          (A) a comparison of the original forecasted amount of tax increment to actual receipts;
             254          (B) a narrative discussion regarding the use of tax increment; and
             255          (C) a description of the benefits derived by the taxing entities;
             256          (iii) a description of activity within each active project area, including:
             257          (A) a narrative of any significant development activity, including infrastructure
             258      development, site development, and vertical construction within the project area; and
             259          (B) a narrative discussion regarding the status of any agreements for development
             260      within the project area;
             261          (iv) a revised multi-year tax increment budget related to each active project area,
             262      including:
             263          (A) the prior year's tax increment receipts;
             264          (B) the base year value and adjusted base year value, as applicable;
             265          (C) the applicable tax rates within the project area; and
             266          (D) a description of private and public investment within the project area;
             267          (v) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the agency for the calendar years
             268      ending December 31 and beginning the next January 1; and
             269          (vi) any other project highlights included by the agency.
             270          (10) Each taxing entity committee shall be governed by Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and
             271      Public Meetings Act.
             272          (11) Each time a school district representative or a representative of the State Board of
             273      Education votes as a member of a taxing entity committee to allow an agency to be paid tax
             274      increment or to increase the amount or length of time that an agency may be paid tax
             275      increment, that representative shall, within 45 days after the vote, provide to the

             276      representative's respective school board an explanation in writing of the representative's vote
             277      and the reasons for the vote.
             278          (12) (a) The auditor of each county in which the agency is located shall provide a
             279      written report to the taxing entity committee stating, with respect to property within each urban
             280      renewal and economic development project area:
             281          (i) the base taxable value, as adjusted by any adjustments under Section 17C-1-408 ;
             282      and
             283          (ii) the assessed value.
             284          (b) With respect to the information required under Subsection (12)(a), the auditor shall
             285      provide:
             286          (i) actual amounts for each year from the adoption of the project area plan to the time
             287      of the report; and
             288          (ii) estimated amounts for each year beginning the year after the time of the report and
             289      ending the time that the agency expects no longer to be paid tax increment from property
             290      within the urban renewal and economic development project area.
             291          (c) The auditor of the county in which the agency is located shall provide a report
             292      under this Subsection (12):
             293          (i) at least annually; and
             294          (ii) upon request of the taxing entity committee, before a taxing entity committee
             295      meeting at which the committee will consider whether to allow the agency to be paid tax
             296      increment or to increase the amount of tax increment that the agency may be paid or the length
             297      of time that the agency may be paid tax increment.
             298          (13) This section does not apply to a community development project area plan.
             299          (14) A taxing entity committee resolution, whether adopted before, on, or after May 10,
             300      2011, approving a blight finding, approving a project area budget, or approving an amendment
             301      to a project area budget:
             302          (a) is final; and
             303          (b) is not subject to repeal, amendment, or reconsideration unless the agency first
             304      consents by resolution to the proposed repeal, amendment, or reconsideration.
             305          Section 6. Section 17D-3-301 is amended to read:
             306           17D-3-301. Board of supervisors -- Number -- Term -- Chair and officers --

             307      Minimum vote required -- Compensation.
             308          (1) Each conservation district shall be governed by a board of supervisors.
             309          (2) (a) The board of supervisors of a conservation district consists of five members
             310      elected as provided in this part, at least three of whom shall be private agricultural land
             311      operators.
             312          (b) If the board of supervisors divides the conservation district into watershed voting
             313      areas under Section 17D-3-308 , at least one member of the board of supervisors shall reside
             314      within each watershed voting area.
             315          (3) (a) The term of office of each member of a board of supervisors is four years.
             316          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), if multiple conservation districts are
             317      consolidated or a single conservation district divided or dissolved under Part 2, Creation,
             318      Consolidation, Division, and Dissolution of Conservation Districts:
             319          (i) the term of each member of the board of supervisors of the consolidated
             320      conservation districts or the divided or dissolved conservation district terminates immediately
             321      upon consolidation, division, or dissolution; and
             322          (ii) (A) the commission shall hold an election, as provided in this part, for all board of
             323      supervisors members of the consolidated conservation district or divided conservation districts,
             324      as the case may be; and
             325          (B) the term of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at an election
             326      under Subsection (3)(b)(ii)(A) shall be four years, and the term of the three candidates
             327      receiving the next highest number of votes shall be two years.
             328          (4) The board of supervisors shall elect a chair from among their number, and may
             329      elect other officers from among their number that the board considers necessary.
             330          (5) (a) A majority of the board of supervisors constitutes a quorum for the transaction
             331      of board business[, and action by a majority of a quorum present at a meeting of the board
             332      constitutes action of the board].
             333          (b) Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the minimum number of yes votes required for
             334      the transaction of business by the board of supervisors is a majority of the total number of
             335      voting members of the board, regardless of the number of voting members of the board of
             336      supervisors present at the meeting, and without considering any vacancy in the board.
             337          (6) For performing official duties, each member of the board of supervisors of a

             338      conservation district shall receive:
             339          (a) compensation for travel and time, as fixed by the commission; and
             340          (b) actual and necessary expenses.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-3-14 9:22 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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