H.B. 357





Chief Sponsor: Ronda Rudd Menlove

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions relating to budgeting requirements.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    amends provisions regarding the powers, functions, and duties of the Office of
             13      Legislative Fiscal Analyst regarding the appropriations process;
             14          .    requires certain state entities to provide certain information to the governor for the
             15      purpose of preparing and reporting the proposed budget;
             16          .    requires certain state entities to provide to the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst a
             17      copy of any information, data, analysis, or request submitted to the governor or the
             18      Governor's Office of Management and Budget;
             19          .    repeals provisions regarding certain inclusions and recommendations in the
             20      governor's budget;
             21          .    repeals provisions requiring the Legislature to consider in the appropriations
             22      process:
             23              .    wage increases for certain entities; and
             24              .    amounts sufficient to fund the Utah Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool;
             25          .    repeals provisions regarding procedures for recommending, requesting, and
             26      conducting a single in-depth budget review and makes in-depth budget reviews part
             27      of the regular budget process; and

             28          .    makes technical corrections.
             29      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             30          None
             31      Other Special Clauses:
             32          None
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35           36-12-13 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 190
             36           63J-1-201 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 158, 167, and 413
             37           63J-1-205 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 310 and 346
             38      REPEALS:
             39           63J-1-201.7 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 242 and 341
             40           63J-1-701 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
             41           63J-1-702 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
             42           63J-1-703 , as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
             44      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             45          Section 1. Section 36-12-13 is amended to read:
             46           36-12-13. Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst established -- Powers, functions,
             47      and duties -- Qualifications.
             48          (1) There is established an Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst as a permanent staff
             49      office for the Legislature.
             50          (2) The powers, functions, and duties of the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst under
             51      the supervision of the fiscal analyst are:
             52          (a) to analyze in detail the [executive] state budget before the convening of each
             53      legislative session and make recommendations to the Legislature on each item or program
             54      appearing in the [executive] budget[;], including:
             55          (i) funding for and performance of programs, acquisitions, and services currently
             56      undertaken by state government to determine whether each department, agency, institution, or
             57      program should:
             58          (A) continue at its current level of expenditure;

             59          (B) continue at a different level of expenditure; or
             60          (C) be terminated; and
             61          (ii) increases or decreases to spending authority and other resource allocations for the
             62      current and future fiscal years;
             63          (b) to prepare cost estimates on all proposed bills that anticipate state government
             64      expenditures;
             65          (c) to prepare cost estimates on all proposed bills that anticipate expenditures by
             66      county, municipal, local district, or special service district governments;
             67          (d) to prepare cost estimates on all proposed bills that anticipate direct expenditures by
             68      any Utah resident or business, and the cost to the overall impacted Utah resident or business
             69      population;
             70          (e) to prepare a review and analysis of revenue estimates for existing and proposed
             71      revenue acts;
             72          (f) to report instances in which the administration may be failing to carry out the
             73      expressed intent of the Legislature;
             74          [(g) to direct attention to each new proposed service contained in the governor's
             75      budget;]
             76          [(h) to direct attention to each budget item previously denied by the Legislature;]
             77          [(i)] (g) to propose and analyze statutory changes for more effective operational
             78      economies or more effective administration;
             79          [(j)] (h) to prepare, after each session of the Legislature, a summary showing the effect
             80      of the final legislative program on the financial condition of the state;
             81          [(k)] (i) to conduct organizational and management improvement studies;
             82          [(l)] (j) to prepare and deliver upon request of any interim committee or the Legislative
             83      Management Committee, reports on the finances of the state and on anticipated or proposed
             84      requests for appropriations;
             85          [(m)] (k) to recommend areas for research studies by the executive department or the
             86      interim committees;
             87          [(n) to assist in prescribing the format for the presentation of the governor's budget to
             88      facilitate program and in-depth review of state expenditures in accordance with Sections
             89      63J-1-701 and 63J-1-702 ;]

             90          [(o) to recommend to the appropriations subcommittees the agencies or programs for
             91      which an in-depth budget review should be requested, and to recommend to the Legislative
             92      Management Committee the priority in which the request should be made;]
             93          [(p)] (l) to appoint and develop a professional staff within budget limitations;
             94          [(q)] (m) to prepare and submit the annual budget request for the office;
             95          [(r)] (n) to develop a taxpayer receipt:
             96          (i) available to taxpayers through a website; and
             97          (ii) that allows a taxpayer to view on the website an estimate of how the taxpayer's tax
             98      dollars are expended for government purposes; and
             99          [(s)] (o) to publish or provide other information on taxation and government
             100      expenditures that may be accessed by the public.
             101          [(3) (a) In accordance with Subsection (3)(b) and subject to Subsection (3)(c), the
             102      Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall submit an annual report to the Executive
             103      Appropriations Committee of the Legislature, at the committee's November meeting, on funds
             104      expended by the state during the preceding state fiscal year to provide financial assistance or
             105      services to low-income individuals and families.]
             106          [(b) The report described in Subsection (3)(a) shall:]
             107          [(i) separate the funds expended into categories by program, service, or population
             108      served;]
             109          [(ii) indicate whether the expended funds described in Subsection (3)(a) are state or
             110      federal funds; and]
             111          [(iii) include a total of all state funds and federal funds expended by the state in the
             112      preceding fiscal year to provide financial assistance or services to low-income individuals and
             113      families.]
             114          [(c) If the Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature does not meet in
             115      November, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall submit the report described in
             116      Subsection (3)(a) at the committee's next meeting.]
             117          [(4)] (3) The legislative fiscal analyst shall have a master's degree in public
             118      administration, political science, economics, accounting, or the equivalent in academic or
             119      practical experience.
             120          [(5)] (4) In carrying out the duties provided for in this section, the legislative fiscal

             121      analyst may obtain access to all records, documents, and reports necessary to the scope of the
             122      legislative fiscal analyst's duties according to the procedures contained in Title 36, Chapter 14,
             123      Legislative Subpoena Powers.
             124          Section 2. Section 63J-1-201 is amended to read:
             125           63J-1-201. Governor's proposed budget to Legislature -- Contents -- Preparation
             126      -- Appropriations based on current tax laws and not to exceed estimated revenues.
             127          (1) The governor shall deliver, not later than 30 days before the date the Legislature
             128      convenes in the annual general session, a confidential draft copy of the governor's proposed
             129      budget recommendations to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst according to the
             130      requirements of this section.
             131          (2) (a) When submitting a proposed budget, the governor shall, within the first three
             132      days of the annual general session of the Legislature, submit to the presiding officer of each
             133      house of the Legislature:
             134          (i) a proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal year;
             135          (ii) a schedule for all of the proposed changes to appropriations in the proposed budget,
             136      with each change clearly itemized and classified; and
             137          (iii) as applicable, a document showing proposed changes in estimated revenues that
             138      are based on changes in state tax laws or rates.
             139          (b) The proposed budget shall include:
             140          (i) a projection of the total estimated revenues, including estimated receipts of federal
             141      funds, and appropriations for the next fiscal year;
             142          (ii) the source of changes to all direct, indirect, and in-kind matching funds for all
             143      federal grants or assistance programs included in the budget;
             144          (iii) a plan of proposed changes to appropriations and estimated revenues for the next
             145      fiscal year that is based upon the current fiscal year state tax laws and rates and considers
             146      projected changes in federal grants or assistance programs included in the budget;
             147          (iv) an itemized estimate of the proposed changes to appropriations for:
             148          (A) the Legislative Department as certified to the governor by the president of the
             149      Senate and the speaker of the House;
             150          (B) the Executive Department;
             151          (C) the Judicial Department as certified to the governor by the state court

             152      administrator;
             153          (D) changes to salaries payable by the state under the Utah Constitution or under law
             154      for lease agreements planned for the next fiscal year; and
             155          (E) all other changes to ongoing or one-time appropriations, including dedicated
             156      credits, restricted funds, nonlapsing balances, grants, and federal funds;
             157          (v) for each line item, the average annual dollar amount of staff funding associated
             158      with all positions that were vacant during the last fiscal year;
             159          (vi) deficits or anticipated deficits;
             160          (vii) the recommendations for each state agency for new full-time employees for the
             161      next fiscal year, which shall also be provided to the State Building Board as required by
             162      Subsection 63A-5-103 (2);
             163          (viii) any explanation that the governor may desire to make as to the important features
             164      of the budget and any suggestion as to methods for the reduction of expenditures or increase of
             165      the state's revenue; and
             166          (ix) information detailing certain fee increases as required by Section 63J-1-504 .
             167          (3) For the purpose of preparing and reporting the proposed budget:
             168          (a) (i) The governor shall require the proper state officials, including all public and
             169      higher education officials, all heads of executive and administrative departments and state
             170      institutions, bureaus, boards, commissions, and agencies expending or supervising the
             171      expenditure of the state money, and all institutions applying for state money and
             172      appropriations, to provide itemized estimates of changes in revenues and appropriations.
             173          (ii) The estimates under Subsection (3)(a)(i) shall include:
             174          (A) actual revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year ending the previous June 30;
             175          (B) estimated or authorized revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year;
             176          (C) requested revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year;
             177          (D) detailed explanations of any differences between the amounts appropriated by the
             178      Legislature in the current fiscal year and the amounts reported under Subsections (3)(a)(ii)(B)
             179      and (C);
             180          (E) a statement of agency and program objectives, effectiveness measures, and
             181      program size indicators;
             182          (F) alternative funding levels for each program with effectiveness measures and

             183      program size indicators detailed for each alternative funding level;
             184          (G) a priority ranking of all programs and activities in successively increasing levels of
             185      performance and funding; and
             186          (H) other budgetary information requested by the governor or required by the
             187      Legislature.
             188          (b) The governor may require the persons and entities subject to Subsection (3)(a) to
             189      provide other information under these guidelines and at times as the governor may direct,
             190      which may include a requirement for program productivity and performance measures, where
             191      appropriate, with emphasis on outcome indicators.
             192          (c) The governor may require representatives of public and higher education, state
             193      departments and institutions, and other institutions or individuals applying for state
             194      appropriations to attend budget meetings.
             195          [(4) In submitting the budgets for the Departments of Health and Human Services and
             196      the Office of the Attorney General, the governor shall consider a separate recommendation in
             197      the governor's budget for changes in funds to be contracted to:]
             198          [(a) local mental health authorities under Section 62A-15-110 ;]
             199          [(b) local substance abuse authorities under Section 62A-15-110 ;]
             200          [(c) area agencies under Section 62A-3-104.2 ;]
             201          [(d) programs administered directly by and for operation of the Divisions of Substance
             202      Abuse and Mental Health and Aging and Adult Services;]
             203          [(e) local health departments under Title 26A, Chapter 1, Local Health Departments;
             204      and]
             205          [(f) counties for the operation of Children's Justice Centers under Section 67-5b-102 .]
             206          [(5) (a) In making budget recommendations, the governor shall consider an amount
             207      sufficient to grant the following entities the same percentage increase for wages and benefits
             208      that the governor includes in the governor's budget for persons employed by the state:]
             209          [(i) local health departments, local mental health authorities, local substance abuse
             210      authorities, and area agencies;]
             211          [(ii) local conservation districts and Utah Association of Conservation District
             212      employees, as related to the budget for the Department of Agriculture; and]
             213          [(iii) employees of corporations that provide direct services under contract with:]

             214          [(A) the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation and the Division of Services for People
             215      with Disabilities;]
             216          [(B) the Division of Child and Family Services; and]
             217          [(C) the Division of Juvenile Justice Services within the Department of Human
             218      Services.]
             219          [(b) If the governor does not include in the governor's budget an amount sufficient to
             220      grant an increase for any entity described in Subsection (5)(a), the governor shall include a
             221      message to the Legislature regarding the governor's reason for not including that amount.]
             222          [(6) The governor shall include in the governor's budget the state's portion of the
             223      budget for the Utah Communications Agency Network established in Title 63C, Chapter 7,
             224      Utah Communications Agency Network Act.]
             225          [(7) (a) The governor shall include a separate recommendation in the governor's budget
             226      for funds to maintain the operation and administration of the Utah Comprehensive Health
             227      Insurance Pool. In making the recommendation, the governor may consider:]
             228          [(i) actuarial analysis of growth or decline in enrollment projected over a period of at
             229      least three years;]
             230          [(ii) actuarial analysis of the medical and pharmacy claims costs projected over a
             231      period of at least three years;]
             232          [(iii) the annual Medical Care Consumer Price Index;]
             233          [(iv) the annual base budget for the pool established by the Business, Economic
             234      Development, and Labor Appropriations Subcommittee for each fiscal year;]
             235          [(v) the growth or decline in insurance premium taxes and fees collected by the State
             236      Tax Commission and the Insurance Department; and]
             237          [(vi) the availability of surplus General Fund revenue under Section 63J-1-312 and
             238      Subsection 59-14-204 (5).]
             239          [(b) In considering the factors in Subsections (7)(a)(i), (ii), and (iii), the governor may
             240      consider the actuarial data and projections prepared for the board of the Utah Comprehensive
             241      Health Insurance Pool as it develops the governor's financial statements and projections for
             242      each fiscal year.]
             243          (4) The persons or entities subject to the requirements in Subsections (3)(a) and (b)
             244      shall provide to the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst a copy of the information, data,

             245      analysis, or requests submitted to the governor or the Governor's Office of Management and
             246      Budget under Subsections (3)(a) and (b) at the same time such information, data, analysis, and
             247      requests are submitted to the governor or the Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
             248          [(8)] (5) (a) In submitting the budget for the Department of Public Safety, the governor
             249      shall include a separate recommendation in the governor's budget for maintaining a sufficient
             250      number of alcohol-related law enforcement officers to maintain the enforcement ratio equal to
             251      or below the number specified in Subsection 32B-1-201 (2).
             252          (b) If the governor does not include in the governor's budget an amount sufficient to
             253      maintain the number of alcohol-related law enforcement officers described in Subsection [(8)]
             254      (5)(a), the governor shall include a message to the Legislature regarding the governor's reason
             255      for not including that amount.
             256          [(9)] (6) (a) The governor may revise all estimates, except those relating to the
             257      Legislative Department, the Judicial Department, and those providing for the payment of
             258      principal and interest to the state debt and for the salaries and expenditures specified by the
             259      Utah Constitution or under the laws of the state.
             260          (b) The estimate for the Judicial Department, as certified by the state court
             261      administrator, shall also be included in the budget without revision, but the governor may make
             262      separate recommendations on the estimate.
             263          [(10)] (7) The total appropriations requested for expenditures authorized by the budget
             264      may not exceed the estimated revenues from taxes, fees, and all other sources for the next
             265      ensuing fiscal year.
             266          [(11)] (8) If any item of the budget as enacted is held invalid upon any ground, the
             267      invalidity does not affect the budget itself or any other item in it.
             268          Section 3. Section 63J-1-205 is amended to read:
             269           63J-1-205. Revenue volatility report.
             270          (1) Beginning in 2011 and continuing every three years after 2011, the Legislative
             271      Fiscal Analyst and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall[, by December 20,]
             272      submit a joint revenue volatility report to the Executive Appropriations Committee prior to its
             273      December meeting.
             274          (2) The Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Governor's Office of Management and
             275      Budget shall ensure that the report:

             276          (a) discusses the tax base and the tax revenue volatility of the revenue streams that
             277      provide the source of funding for the state budget;
             278          (b) considers federal funding included in the state budget and any projected changes in
             279      the amount or value of federal funding;
             280          (c) identifies the balances in the General Fund Budget Reserve Account and the
             281      Education Fund Budget Reserve Account;
             282          (d) analyzes the adequacy of the balances in the General Fund Budget Reserve Account
             283      and the Education Fund Budget Reserve Account in relation to the volatility of the revenue
             284      streams and the risk of a reduction in the amount or value of federal funding; and
             285          (e) recommends changes to the deposit amounts or transfer limits established in
             286      Sections 63J-1-312 and 63J-1-313 , if the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and Governor's Office of
             287      Management and Budget consider it appropriate to recommend changes.
             288          Section 4. Repealer.
             289          This bill repeals:
             290          Section 63J-1-201.7 , Legislative budget considerations -- Wage increases for
             291      certain entities -- Comprehensive health insurance pool.
             292          Section 63J-1-701 , Request for in-depth budget review of agency or program --
             293      Form of budget submitted.
             294          Section 63J-1-702 , Purpose of review -- Information submitted.
             295          Section 63J-1-703 , Selection of activities for review -- Coordination with audits.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-13-14 5:01 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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