H.J.R. 22






Chief Sponsor: Douglas V. Sagers

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This joint resolution amends Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 62.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    amends Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 62, by eliminating the requirement that
             14      municipalities post a bond when appealing a judgment over $5,000,000.
             15      Special Clauses:
             16          This resolution provides an immediate effective date.
             17      Utah Rules of Civil Procedure Affected:
             18      AMENDS:
             19           Rule 62, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure
             21      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, two-thirds of all members elected to each
             22      of the two houses voting in favor thereof:
             23          As provided in Utah Constitution Article VIII, Section 4, the Legislature may amend
             24      rules of procedure and evidence adopted by the Utah Supreme Court upon a two-thirds vote of
             25      all members of both houses of the Legislature:
             26          Section 1. Rule 62 , Utah Rules of Civil Procedure is amended to read:
             27           Rule 62. Stay of proceedings to enforce a judgment.

             28          (a) Delay in execution. No execution or other writ to enforce a judgment may issue
             29      until the expiration of ten days after entry of judgment, unless the court in its discretion
             30      otherwise directs.
             31          (b) Stay on motion for new trial or for judgment. In its discretion and on such
             32      conditions for the security of the adverse party as are proper, the court may stay the execution
             33      of, or any proceedings to enforce, a judgment pending the disposition of a motion for a new
             34      trial or to alter or amend a judgment made pursuant to Rule 59, or of a motion for relief from a
             35      judgment or order made pursuant to Rule 60, or of a motion for judgment in accordance with a
             36      motion for a directed verdict made pursuant to Rule 50, or of a motion for amendment to the
             37      findings or for additional findings made pursuant to Rule 52(b).
             38          (c) Injunction pending appeal. When an appeal is taken from an interlocutory order or
             39      final judgment granting, dissolving, or denying an injunction, the court in its discretion may
             40      suspend, modify, restore, or grant an injunction during the pendency of the appeal upon such
             41      conditions as it considers proper for the security of the rights of the adverse party.
             42          (d) Stay upon appeal. When an appeal is taken, the appellant by giving a supersedeas
             43      bond may obtain a stay, unless such a stay is otherwise prohibited by law or these rules. The
             44      bond may be given at or after the time of filing the notice of appeal. The stay is effective when
             45      the supersedeas bond is approved by the court.
             46          (e) [(1)] Stay in favor of the state, or agency thereof. When an appeal is taken by the
             47      United States, the state of Utah, or an officer or agency of either, or by direction of any
             48      department of either, and the operation or enforcement of the judgment is stayed, no bond,
             49      obligation, or other security shall be required from the appellant.
             50          [(e) (2) For purposes of this rule, a municipality shall not be considered a state agency
             51      exempt from the requirement of posting a bond, obligation, or other security when appealing a
             52      judgment for any amounts in excess of $5,000,000. To stay the enforcement of any judgment
             53      over $5,000,000, the municipality shall be required to post security with the appellate court in
             54      the amount by which the judgment exceeds the sum of $5,000,000 and for any interest that may
             55      accrue during the appeal.]
             56          (f) Stay in quo warranto proceedings. Where the defendant is adjudged guilty of
             57      usurping, intruding into or unlawfully holding public office, civil or military, within this state,
             58      the execution of the judgment shall not be stayed on an appeal.

             59          (g) Power of appellate court not limited. The provisions in this rule do not limit any
             60      power of an appellate court or of a judge or justice thereof to stay proceedings or to suspend,
             61      modify, restore, or grant an injunction, or extraordinary relief or to make any order appropriate
             62      to preserve the status quo or the effectiveness of the judgment subsequently to be entered.
             63          (h) Stay of judgment upon multiple claims. When a court has ordered a final judgment
             64      on some but not all of the claims presented in the action under the conditions stated in Rule
             65      54(b), the court may stay enforcement of that judgment until the entering of a subsequent
             66      judgment or judgments and may prescribe such conditions as are necessary to secure the
             67      benefit thereof to the party in whose favor the judgment is entered.
             68          (i) Form of supersedeas bond; deposit in lieu of bond; waiver of bond; jurisdiction over
             69      sureties to be set forth in undertaking.
             70          (i) (1) A supersedeas bond given under Subdivision (d) may be either a commercial
             71      bond having a surety authorized to transact insurance business under Title 31A, or a personal
             72      bond having one or more sureties who are residents of Utah having a collective net worth of at
             73      least twice the amount of the bond, exclusive of property exempt from execution. Sureties on
             74      personal bonds shall make and file an affidavit setting forth in reasonable detail the assets and
             75      liabilities of the surety.
             76          (i) (2) Upon motion and good cause shown, the court may permit a deposit of money in
             77      court or other security to be given in lieu of giving a supersedeas bond under Subdivision (d).
             78          (i) (3) The parties may by written stipulation waive the requirement of giving a
             79      supersedeas bond under Subdivision (d) or agree to an alternate form of security.
             80          (i) (4) A supersedeas bond given pursuant to Subdivision (d) shall provide that each
             81      surety submits to the jurisdiction of the court and irrevocably appoints the clerk of the court as
             82      the surety's agent upon whom any papers affecting the surety's liability on the bond may be
             83      served, and that the surety's liability may be enforced on motion and upon such notice as the
             84      court may require without the necessity of an independent action.
             85          (j) Amount of supersedeas bond.
             86          (j) (1) Except as provided in subsection (j)(2), a court shall set the supersedeas bond in
             87      an amount that adequately protects the judgment creditor against loss or damage occasioned by
             88      the appeal and assures payment in the event the judgment is affirmed. In setting the amount,
             89      the court may consider any relevant factor, including:

             90          (j) (1) (A) the judgment debtor's ability to pay the judgment;
             91          (j) (1) (B) the existence and value of security;
             92          (j) (1) (C) the judgment debtor's opportunity to dissipate assets;
             93          (j) (1) (D) the judgment debtor's likelihood of success on appeal; and
             94          (j) (1) (E) the respective harm to the parties from setting a higher or lower amount.
             95          (j) (2) Notwithstanding subsection (j)(1):
             96          (j) (2) (A) the presumptive amount of a bond for compensatory damages is the amount
             97      of the compensatory damages plus costs and attorney fees, as applicable, plus 3 years of
             98      interest at the applicable interest rate;
             99          (j) (2) (B) the bond for compensatory damages shall not exceed $25 million in an
             100      action by plaintiffs certified as a class under Rule 23 or in an action by multiple plaintiffs in
             101      which compensatory damages are not proved for each plaintiff individually; and
             102          (j) (2) (C) no bond shall be required for punitive damages.
             103          (j) (3) If the court permits a bond that is less than the presumptive amount of
             104      compensatory damages, the court may also enter such orders as are necessary to protect the
             105      judgment creditor during the appeal.
             106          (j) (4) If the court finds that the judgment debtor has violated an order or has otherwise
             107      dissipated assets, the court may set the bond under subsection (j)(1) without regard to the limits
             108      in subsection (j)(2).
             109          (k) Objecting to sufficiency or amount of security. Any party whose judgment is
             110      stayed or sought to be stayed pursuant to Subdivision (d) may object to the sufficiency of the
             111      sureties on the supersedeas bond or the amount thereof, or to the sufficiency or amount of other
             112      security given to stay the judgment by filing and giving notice of such objection. The party so
             113      objecting shall be entitled to a hearing thereon upon five days notice or such shorter time as the
             114      court may order. The burden of justifying the sufficiency of the sureties or other security and
             115      the amount of the bond or other security, shall be borne by the party seeking the stay, unless the
             116      objecting party seeks a bond greater than the presumed limits of this rule. The fact that a
             117      supersedeas bond, its surety or other security is generally permitted under this rule shall not be
             118      conclusive as to its sufficiency or amount.
             119          Section 2. Effective date.
             120          This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all

             121      members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-10-14 6:15 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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