S.B. 3 Enrolled
Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard
Senate Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown
General Description:
This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the use and operation
of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014.
Highlighted Provisions:
This bill:
. provides appropriations for the use and support of higher education and certain state
. provides appropriations for other purposes as described; and
. provides intent language.
Money Appropriated in this Bill:
This bill appropriates ($48,557,200) in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2014,
. ($99,825,900) from the General Fund;
. $50,001,000 from the Education Fund;
. $1,267,700 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
This bill appropriates $114,200 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year 2014, all of
which is from the General Fund.
This bill appropriates $43,450,100 in business-like activities for fiscal year 2014.
This bill appropriates $1,150,001 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year 2014,
all of which is from the General Fund.
This bill appropriates $3,053,200 in transfers to unrestricted funds for fiscal year 2014.
Other Special Clauses:
This bill takes effect immediately.
Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. FY 2014 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. These are additions to amounts
previously appropriated for fiscal year 2014.
Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of
Utah Code Title 63J, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or
fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Governor's Office
Item 1 To Governor's Office
From General Fund, One-time 350,000
From Federal Funds 307,300
Schedule of Programs:
Lt. Governor's Office 657,300
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office
in Item 1, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close
of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 2 To Governor's Office - Public Lands Litigation
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's
Office-Public Land Litigation in Item 2, Chapter 405, Laws of
Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 3 To Governor's Office - Constitutional Defense Council
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office-Constitutional Defense Council in Item 27, Chapter 417, Laws of Utah 2012 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 4 To Governor's Office - Character Education
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office-Character Education in Item 2, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 5 To Governor's Office - Emergency Fund
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office-Emergency Fund in Item 3, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 6 To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Management and Budget
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office of Management and Budget in Item 4, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 7 To Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
From Federal Funds 400,000
Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission 400,000
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice Services in Item 7, of Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
Office of the State Auditor
Item 8 To Office of the State Auditor - State Auditor
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the State Auditor in Item 9, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Auditor continue to identify additional opportunities to use market-based billing practices to improve client preparedness and responsiveness, increase staff efficiency, enhance cost transparency, and expand billing uniformity.
State Treasurer
Item 9 To State Treasurer
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the State Treasurer in Item 10, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
Attorney General
Item 10 To Attorney General
From General Fund, One-time (50,000)
From Federal Funds 165,400
Schedule of Programs:
Criminal Prosecution 115,400
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Attorney General in Item 11, of Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
Item 11 To Attorney General - Contract Attorneys
From General Fund, One-time 774,000
Schedule of Programs:
Contract Attorneys 774,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Attorney General -
Contract Attorneys in Item 12, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013
not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
Item 12 To Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Attorney General -
Children's Justice Centers in Item 13, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah
2013 not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
Item 13 To Attorney General - Prosecution Council
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Utah Prosecution
Council in Item 14, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at
the close of fiscal year 2014.
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 14 To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund, One-time 2,766,300
From Federal Funds 101,100
Schedule of Programs:
Department Executive Director (733,700)
Institutional Operations Draper Facility 3,601,100
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that the appropriations provided for Programs and
Operations not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 15 To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical Services
From General Fund, One-time 500,000
Schedule of Programs:
Medical Services 500,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that the appropriations provided for the Utah
Department of Corrections Department Medical Services not
lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 16 To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Contracting
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriations provided for the Utah department of Corrections Jail Contracting not lapse at the end of Fiscal Year 2014.
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 17 To Board of Pardons and Parole
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $200,000 provided for the Board of Pardons and Parole in Item 19 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds shall be limited to: Capital Equipment or Improvements; Computer Equipment, Software or Programming; Employee Training or Incentives; Special Projects or Studies; Offender Psychological Testing or Risk Assessments; Office Equipment or Office Supplies.
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 18 To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and Operations
From Federal Funds 75,000
Schedule of Programs:
Community Programs 75,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided by Item 20, Chapter 3, Laws of Utah 2013 for the Division of Juvenile Justice Services not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to expenditures for data processing and technology based expenditures, facility repairs and maintenance and improvements, other charges and pass through expenditures, and short-term projects and studies that promote efficiency and service improvement.
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 19 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund, One-time 300,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Office 300,000
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $2,800,000 provided for Administration in Item 21 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is limited to Computer Equipment/Software, Employee Training/Incentives, Equipment/Supplies, Special Projects/Studies, Temporary Employees, Juvenile Community Service Programs, Senior Judge Assistance, Grant Match, and Law Library Fund Carry Forward.
Item 20 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Grand Jury
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Grand Jury in Item 22 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 21 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and Leases
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $250,000 provided for Contracts and Leases in Item 23 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is limited to Alterations, Renovations, and Improvements.
Item 22 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness Fees
From General Fund, One-time 861,700
Schedule of Programs:
Jury, Witness, and Interpreter 861,700
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Juror, Witness, and Interpreter in Item 24 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 23 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad Litem
From General Fund, One-time 150,000
Schedule of Programs:
Guardian ad Litem 150,000
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $500,000 provided for Guardian ad Litem in Item 25 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is limited to Computer Equipment/Software, Management System Programming, Employee Training/Incentives, Equipment/Supplies, and Time-limited Employees.
Department of Public Safety
Item 24 To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From General Fund, One-time 628,000
From Federal Funds 195,000
Schedule of Programs:
CITS State Crime Labs 405,000
Highway Patrol - Field Operations 190,000
Information Management - Operations 228,000
Under Section 63-J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations of up to $6,000,000 from the Statewide Unified E-911 Emergency Service Account, $4,500,000 from dedicated credits, and $9,000,000 from General Fund and General Fund restricted provided for Programs and Operations in Item 26 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any
unused funds is limited to facility construction, capital
equipment or improvements, computer
equipment/software/programming, law enforcement overtime,
employee training, equipment and supplies, grant obligations,
operations, and concealed firearms permit carryforward.
The Legislature intends that Public Safety is allowed to
increase its fleet by 2 vehicles due to the expansion of State
Bureau of Investigation Agents funded during the 2013 General
Session and 2 vehicles for the Fire Marshal's office 1 to tow
training trailers and 1 for an additional deputy fire marshal.
Funding for the vehicles will be provided from nonlapsing
The legislature intends that Public Safety be allowed to
increase its fleet by the number of additional law enforcement
officers approved and funded by the legislature in the current
Item 25 To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management
From Federal Funds 950,000
Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Management 950,000
The Legislature intends that up to $500,000 of the
appropriations provided for Emergency Management in Item
27 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of
Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is limited to
search and rescue reimbursement, computer
equipment/software/programming, employee training, and
equipment and supplies.
Item 26 To Department of Public Safety - Division of Homeland Security -
Emergency and Disaster Management
The Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the
Emergency and Disaster line item created in Emergency and
Disaster Management Amendments (House Bill 139, 2010
General Session) not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014.
Item 27 To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and
From General Fund, One-time 400,000
Schedule of Programs:
Basic Training 400,000
The Legislature intends that up to $500,000 of the
appropriations provided for Peace Officers Standards and
Training in Item 29 of Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse
at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is
limited to computer equipment/software/programming,
employee training, and equipment and supplies.
Item 28 To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From Federal Funds 539,000
From Department of Public Safety Restricted Account 1,500,000
Schedule of Programs:
Driver Services 2,039,000
The Legislature intends that up to $500,000 of the
appropriations from the Uninsured Motorist Identification
Restricted Account provided for Driver License in Item 30 of
Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal
Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is limited to the
uninsured motorist database program.
Item 29 To Department of Public Safety - Highway Safety
The Legislature intends that up to $50,000 of the
appropriations provided for Highway Safety in Item 31 of
Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal
Year 2014. The use of any unused funds is limited to computer
equipment/software/programming, employee training, and
equipment and supplies.
Infrastructure and General Government
Item 30 To Transportation - Support Services
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Support Services in item 1 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Computer Software Development Projects $300,000 and Building Improvements - $200,000.
It is the intent of the Legislature to effectuate the purposes of Section 63B-18-401(3)(b)(x) for an energy corridor study and environmental review for improvements in the Uintah Basin, that the UDOT continue the direction and funding of the Uintah Basin Transportation study which began in 2014 with $3 million provided to the Department under Section 72-2-124.
Item 31 To Transportation - Engineering Services
From Transportation Fund 171,400
Schedule of Programs:
Materials Lab 79,400
Right-of-Way 92,000
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Engineering Services in item 2 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Special Projects and Studies - $300,000.
Item 32 To Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Operations/Maintenance in item 3 of Chapter 4 Laws of
Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use
of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Highway
Maintenance - $2,000,000.
Item 33 To Transportation - Region Management
From Transportation Fund (171,400)
Schedule of Programs:
Region 2 (171,400)
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for Region Management in item 5 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah
2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any
non-lapsing funds limited to the following: Region
Management $200,000.
Item 34 To Transportation - Equipment Management
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for Equipment Management in item 6 of Chapter 4 Laws of
Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use
of any non-lapsing funds limited to the following: Equipment
Purchases $200,000.
Department of Administrative Services
Item 35 To Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for Executive Director in
Item 13 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close
of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited
to the following: up to $95,000 for customer service and
Department optimization projects, shared services, IT security
auditing and prevention, internal auditing, website
maintenance, and marketing; up to $60,000 for Child Welfare
Parental Defense expenses.
Item 36 To Department of Administrative Services - Inspector General of Medicaid Services
Under section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Inspector General for Medicaid Services in Item 5 Chapter 3 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $587,000 to monitor compliance with State and Federal Regulations and implement measures to identify, prevent and reduce fraud, waste and abuse and monitor the quality and reliability of Utah Medicaid providers' service delivery and accuracy of billing.
Item 37 To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Administration
From Revenue Transfers (28,600)
From Capital Projects Fund 32,100
From Pass-through (3,500)
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for DFCM Administration in Item 15 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $500,000 for information technology projects, customer service, optimization efficiency projects, time limited FTE and Governor's Mansion maintenance; up to $500,000 for Energy Program operations.
The Legislature intends that the Division of Facilities and Construction Management report monthly to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee and the Government Operations Interim Committee progress related to the development of the master plan for the State Fairpark and the surrounding area. The Legislature further intends that the Master Plan be completed by June 30th, 2014.
Item 38 To Department of Administrative Services - State Archives
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 126,000
Schedule of Programs:
Preservation Services 126,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for State Archives in Item 16 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $50,000 for regional repository program support, electronic archives preservation and management.
Item 39 To Department of Administrative Services - Finance Administration
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 500,000
Schedule of Programs:
Financial Information Systems 500,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Finance Administration in Item 17 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $2,600,000 for maintenance and operation of statewide systems and websites, studies, training, and information technology support and hardware.
The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance research the funds in Fund 8020, Finance Suspense Fund and determine which funds, if any, are unencumbered and which funds are legally obligated. The Legislature furthermore intends that upon this determination, the Division of Finance transfer the funds accordingly to lawful recipient entities.
Item 40 To Department of Administrative Services - Post Conviction Indigent Defense
From General Fund, One-time 100,000
Schedule of Programs:
Post Conviction Indigent Defense Fund 100,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Post Conviction Indigent Defense in Item 20 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $150,000 for Legal costs for death row inmates.
Item 41 To Department of Administrative Services - Judicial Conduct Commission
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Judicial Conduct Commission in Item 21 of Chapter 4 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $80,000 for professional services for Investigations.
Department of Technology Services
Item 42 To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer
From Federal Funds 566,700
Schedule of Programs:
Chief Information Officer 566,700
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer, in Item 23, Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $30,000 for data processing costs associated with optimization initiatives.
Item 43 To Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology Division
From Federal Funds (620,800)
Schedule of Programs:
Automated Geographic Reference Center (620,800)
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology Division, in Item 24, Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: up to $500,000 for Geographic Reference Center projects and $75,000 for Global Positioning System Reference Network upgrades and maintenance.
State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
Item 44 To State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service - Debt Service
From General Fund, One-time (1,140,800)
From Education Fund, One-time 64,300
From Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 10,452,600
From Federal Funds (1,224,000)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue (228,600)
From County of First Class State Hwy Fund 24,300
From Revenue Transfers 1,098,200
From Revenue Transfers - Other Funds (1,051,400)
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances 5,750,100
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances (6,600,800)
Schedule of Programs:
Debt Service 7,143,900
The Legislature intends that in the event that sequestration or other federal action reduces the anticipated Build America Bond subsidy payments that are deposited into the Debt Service line item as federal funds, the Division of Finance, acting on behalf of the State Board of Bonding Commissioners, shall reduce the appropriated transfer from Nonlapsing Balances -
Debt Service to the General Fund, One-time proportionally to
the reduction in subsidy payment received, thus holding the
Debt Service fund harmless.
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Department of Heritage and Arts
Item 45 To Department of Heritage and Arts - Administration
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that up to $537,800 of any remaining amount of the
$2,960,600 ongoing General Fund appropriation provided by
Item 1, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013 for the Department of
Heritage and Arts - Administration not lapse at the close of
Fiscal Year 2014. These funds will be used for digitization
projects and maintenance.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that up to $116,900 of any remaining amount of the
$2,960,600 ongoing General Fund appropriation provided by
Item 1, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013 for the Department of
Heritage and Arts - Administration not lapse at the close of
Fiscal Year 2014. These funds will be used for application
development rate payments to DTS.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that up to $254,100 of the funds provided in Item 1,
Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, for the Department of Heritage
and Arts - Multicultural Commission not lapse at the close of
Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 46 To Department of Heritage and Arts - Historical Society
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that the $102,400 in Dedicated Credits provided by
Item 2, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013 for the Department of
Heritage and Arts - Historical Society not lapse at the close of
Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 47 To Department of Heritage and Arts - State History
From General Fund, One-time 65,000
Schedule of Programs:
Library and Collections 65,000
Item 48 To Department of Heritage and Arts - Division of Arts and Museums
From General Fund, One-time 100,000
Schedule of Programs:
Grants to Non-profits 100,000
Item 49 To Department of Heritage and Arts - State Library
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that up to $300,000 of the $4,277,600 ongoing General Fund provided by Item 6, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013 for the Department of Heritage and Arts - State Library not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The State Library shall use the funds for CLEF grants in FY 2015.
Item 50 To Department of Heritage and Arts - Indian Affairs
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that any remaining amount of the $205,700 ongoing General Fund and $25,000 Dedicated Credit appropriation provided by Item 7, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013 for the Department of Heritage and Arts - Indian Affairs not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 51 To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Administration
From Federal Funds 800,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration 800,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office of Economic Development Administration in Laws of Utah
2013, Chapter 2, Item 8 shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to system
management enhancements: $200,000; business marketing
efforts: $230,000; and health system reform: $600,000.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office
of Economic Development Administration in Laws of Utah
2013, Chapter 173, Section 6 shall not lapse at the close of FY
2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to
implementation of SB 284, Educational Technology
Amendments, of the 2013 General Session: $930,000.
Item 52 To Governor's Office of Economic Development - STEM Action
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 1,500,000
Schedule of Programs:
STEM Action Center 1,500,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the STEM Action
Center, in Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 336, Section 9(4)(b)
and (5)(b) shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
Item 53 To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Office of
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office
of Economic Development Office of Tourism, in Laws of Utah
2013, Chapter 2, Item 9 shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to contractual
obligations and support: $350,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Motion Picture
Incentive Fund, in Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 28, Section
12(14) shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any
non-lapsing funds is limited to $810,000.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Tourism Marketing
Performance Fund in Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 314, Item
132 not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any
nonlapsing funds is limited to advertising and promotion:
Item 54 To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business
From General Fund, One-time 60,000
Schedule of Programs:
Corporate Recruitment and Business Services 60,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Governor's Office
of Economic Development Business Development, Laws of
Utah 2013, Chapter 2, Item 10 shall not lapse at the close of FY
2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to Business
Cluster support: $50,000; Business Resource Centers:
$300,000; Technology Commercialization and Innovation
Program contracts: $2,400,000; International Development
contracts and support: $200,000; Procurement and Technical
Assistance Center contracts: $150,000; Rural Development
contracts and support: $200,000; and Corporate Recruitment
contracts and support: $75,000.
Item 55 To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Pete Suazo Utah
Athletics Commission
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Pete Suazo Utah
Athletic Commission in Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 2, Item 11
shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any
nonlapsing funds is limited to the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic
Program: $154,200.
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 56 To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From Federal Funds 21,800
Schedule of Programs:
Auditing Division 21,800
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided to the Utah State Tax
Commission not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use
of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the costs directly related
to the modernization of tax and motor vehicle systems and
Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
Item 57 To Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
From General Fund, One-time (56,000)
From Federal Funds 80,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 5,800
Schedule of Programs:
Administration (56,000)
Technology Outreach 85,800
Item 58 To Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority -
Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority Research Teams
From General Fund, One-time 56,000
Schedule of Programs:
Utah State University 56,000
Labor Commission
Item 59 To Labor Commission
From General Fund, One-time 300,000
From General Fund Restricted - Industrial Accident Restricted Account 100,000
Schedule of Programs:
Industrial Accidents 400,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Labor Commission in Item 19, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Such nonlapsing funds shall be used for computer projects.
Department of Commerce
Item 60 To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Office of Consumer Services in Item 20 of Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, lapse to the Offices' Professional and Technical Services Fund at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Department of Commerce, Division of Public Utilities in Item 20 of Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, lapse to the Divisions' Professional and Technical Services Fund at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 61 To Department of Commerce - Building Inspector Training
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Building Codes Education Funds received by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing under the authority of Section 15A-1-209-5 of the Utah Code Item 21 of Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 62 To Department of Commerce - Public Utilities Professional and Technical Services
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Division of Public Utilities Technical Services Fund in Item 22 of Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year
Item 63 To Department of Commerce - Office of Consumer Services
Professional and Technical Services
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Professional and
Technical Services Fund of the Office of Consumer Services in
Item 23 of Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the
close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Insurance Department
Item 64 To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
From Federal Funds 383,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 8,600
From General Fund Restricted - Technology Development 1,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration 383,000
Insurance Fraud Program 8,600
Electronic Commerce Fee 1,000
Public Service Commission
Item 65 To Public Service Commission
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Public Service
Commission Administration in Item 31, Chapter 2, Laws of
Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of
any nonlapsing funds is limited to maintenance, upgrades, and
licensing for the Public Service Commission's document
management system, computer equipment and software
upgrades, employee training and incentives, and special
Item 66 To Public Service Commission - Speech and Hearing Impaired
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature
intends that appropriations provided for the Public Service
Commission for Speech and Hearing Impaired programs in
Item 32, Chapter 2 Laws of Utah 2013 shall not lapse at the
close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is
limited to providing telecommunication devices, equipment
and for the general administration costs of the program as
described in Title 54-8b-10.
Social Services
Department of Health
Item 67 To Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
The Legislature intends that the Department of Health
prepare proposed performance measures for all new state
funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give
this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
by June 30, 2014. The Department of Health shall provide its
first report on its performance measures to the Office of the
Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2014. The Office of
the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the
legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim
Committee. If the new money will go to a pass through entity,
the Department of Health shall work with each pass through
entity to provide the same performance measure information.
Item 68 To Department of Health - Family Health and Preparedness
From Federal Funds (5,000,000)
Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office (5,000,000)
Item 69 To Department of Health - Disease Control and Prevention
From Federal Funds 2,468,900
Schedule of Programs:
Laboratory Operations and Testing 2,468,900
Item 70 To Department of Health - Children's Health Insurance Program
From General Fund, One-time (4,000,000)
From Federal Funds (15,147,900)
Schedule of Programs:
Children's Health Insurance Program (19,147,900)
Item 71 To Department of Health - Medicaid Mandatory Services
From General Fund, One-time (23,578,200)
From Federal Funds (249,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Medicaid Restricted Account 41,400
Schedule of Programs:
Inpatient Hospital (62,000,000)
Managed Health Care 122,480,000
Nursing Home 1,000,000
Outpatient Hospital (9,600,000)
Physician Services (9,700,000)
Crossover Services (900,000)
Medical Supplies (1,500,000)
State-run Primary Care Case Management (515,000)
Other Mandatory Services (63,051,000)
Item 72 To Department of Health - Medicaid Optional Services
From General Fund, One-time (26,993,200)
From Federal Funds 227,600
Schedule of Programs:
Pharmacy (23,400,000)
Home and Community Based Waiver Services (7,701,900)
Capitated Mental Health Services (4,500,000)
Intermediate Care Facilities for Intellectually Disabled (4,500,000)
Dental Services 4,800,000
Clawback Payments 3,000,000
Disproportionate Hospital Payments (8,825,200)
Vision Care (200,000)
Other Optional Services 14,561,500
Department of Workforce Services
Item 73 To Department of Workforce Services - Administration
The Legislature intends that the Department of Workforce Services prepare proposed performance measures for all new state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by June 30, 2014. The Department of Workforce Services shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2014. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim Committee. If the new money will go to a pass through entity, the Department of Workforce Services shall work with each pass through entity to provide the same performance measure information.
Item 74 To Department of Workforce Services - Operations and Policy
From General Fund, One-time (3,791,900)
From Federal Funds 2,230,000
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (3,000,000)
From Unemployment Compensation Fund 3,000,000
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances (1,830,200)
Schedule of Programs:
Facilities and Pass-Through 38,100
Eligibility Services (3,430,200)
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that up to $330,200 of savings above $800,000 from affordable care act mandatory changes not lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to respite care provided by the Department of Human Services in FY 2015.
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that up to $1,500,000 of savings above $3,030,000
from savings from higher federal match rate for certain
Medicaid eligibility systems maintenance and operations not
lapse at the close of FY 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds
is limited to replacing the Medicaid Management Information
System in the Department of Health in FY 2015.
Item 75 To Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment Insurance
From Federal Funds - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (500,000)
From Unemployment Compensation Fund 500,000
Department of Human Services
Item 76 To Department of Human Services - Executive Director Operations
From General Fund, One-time 38,000
Schedule of Programs:
Fiscal Operations 38,000
The Legislature intends that the Department of Human
Services prepare proposed performance measures for all new
state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and
give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
Analyst by June 30, 2014. The Department of Human Services
shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the
Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2014.
The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this
information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human
Services Interim Committee. If the new money will go to a pass
through entity, the Department of Human Services shall work
with each pass through entity to provide the same performance
measure information.
Item 77 To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse
and Mental Health
From General Fund, One-time (30,000)
Schedule of Programs:
State Hospital (30,000)
Item 78 To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
From General Fund, One-time (3,200,000)
Schedule of Programs:
Service Delivery (1,500,000)
Out-of-Home Care (1,700,000)
State Board of Education
Item 79 To State Board of Education - State Office of Rehabilitation
The Legislature intends that the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation prepare proposed performance measures for all new state funding or TANF federal funds for building blocks and give this information to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by June 30, 2014. The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shall provide its first report on its performance measures to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst by October 31, 2014. The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall give this information to the legislative staff of the Health and Human Services Interim Committee. If the new money will go to a pass through entity, the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shall work with each pass through entity to provide the same performance measure information.
Higher Education
University of Utah
Item 80 To University of Utah - Education and General
From General Fund, One-time (50,000,000)
From Education Fund, One-time 50,000,000
Utah State University
Item 81 To Utah State University - Education and General
From Education Fund, One-time (63,300)
Schedule of Programs:
Education and General (63,300)
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Department of Natural Resources
Item 82 To Department of Natural Resources - Administration
From General Fund, One-time 1,400,000
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director 1,400,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for DNR Administration in Item 1, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Capital Projects $25,000; Operating Budget Items $200,000.
Item 83 To Department of Natural Resources - Species Protection
From General Fund Restricted - Species Protection 210,000
Schedule of Programs:
Species Protection 210,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Species Protection program in Item 2, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to projects started in 2014: $200,000.
Item 84 To Department of Natural Resources - Watershed
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Watershed program in Item 4, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to projects started in 2014: $700,000.
Item 85 To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State Lands
From General Fund, One-time (1,400,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management 2,000,000
Schedule of Programs:
Project Management 600,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands in Item 5, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Sovereign Lands Projects and Fire Training $200,000; Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Dispute $100,000; Little Willow Water Line $32,000; Navigational Hazards Removal $20,000; Lands Maintenance $50,000; Information Database $110,000; Jordan River Assessment $35,000; Bear River Baseline $45,000.
Item 86 To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and Mining
From General Fund Restricted - Oil & Gas Conservation Account 50,000
Schedule of Programs:
Oil and Gas Program 50,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining in Item 6, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Mining Special Projects/Studies $250,000; Computer Equipment/Software $50,000; Employee Training/Incentives $50,000; Equipment/Supplies $50,000.
Item 87 To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources
From General Fund, One-time 245,000
Schedule of Programs:
Aquatic Section 245,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Wildlife Resources line item in Item 7, Chapter 8, Laws of
Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
Expenditures of these funds are limited to projects funded from
the Mule Deer Protection Restricted Account $300,000; and
projects funded from the Predator Control Restricted Account
The Legislature intends that up to $180,000 be spent on
livestock damage. $90,000 will be from the General Fund and
up to $90,000 will be from the General Fund Restricted -
Wildlife Resources account.
The Legislature intends that up to $700,000 of Wildlife
Resources budget may be used for big game depredation
expenses. The Legislature also intends that half of these funds
be from the General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources
account and half from the General Fund. The Legislature
further intends that this appropriation shall not lapse at the
close of FY 2014.
The Legislature intends that the $245,000 appropriation for
quagga mussel containment not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
Item 88 To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources Capital
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the
Wildlife Resources Capital line item in Item 12, Chapter 8,
Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
Expenditures of these funds are limited to Operations and
Maintenance of the Hatchery Systems in the state: $649,400.
Item 89 To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
From General Fund, One-time (50,000)
Schedule of Programs:
Park Management Contracts (50,000)
Item 90 To Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey
From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease 58,500
Schedule of Programs:
Energy and Minerals 58,500
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Utah Geological Survey in Item 15, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Mineral Lease Projects $1,500,000; Computer Equipment/Software $60,000; Equipment/Supplies $40,000; Employee Training/Incentives $30,000.
Item 91 To Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources
From General Fund, One-time 400,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration 400,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Division of Water Resources in Item 16, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Computer Equipment/Software $30,000; Equipment/Supplies $20,000; Special Projects/Studies $100,000; Water Conservation Materials/Education $25,000; Current Expenses $25,000.
Item 92 To Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Division of Water Rights in Item 17, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Equipment/Supplies $60,000; Professional/Technical $190,000, Special Projects/Studies $200,000, Computer Equipment/Software $60,000, Employee Training/Incentives $30,000, Current Expenses $60,000
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 93 To Department of Environmental Quality - Executive Director's Office
From Closing Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances 30,000
Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office 30,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Executive Directors Office in Item 18, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to high level nuclear waste opposition $127,400; capital improvements/maintenance and equipment $350,000; administrative law judge $150,000.
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, notwithstanding Item 109, Chapter 422, Laws of Utah 2012, the Legislature intends that the Department of Environmental Quality may spend $39,000 from FY 2013 nonlapsing balances for the purpose of an audit of software licenses during FY 2014.
Item 94 To Department of Environmental Quality - Air Quality
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Division of Air Quality in Item 19, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to reducing future operating permit fees $100,000.
Item 95 To Department of Environmental Quality - Radiation Control
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 14,400
From Nonlapsing Balances - DEQ Executive Director's Office 30,000
Schedule of Programs:
Radiation Control 44,400
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Division of
Radiation Control in Item 21, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013,
shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these
funds are limited to radioactive monitoring/testing equipment
Item 96 To Department of Environmental Quality - Water Quality
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Division of
Water Quality in Item 22, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall
not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds
are limited to water pollution control equipment $70,000;
special studies $30,000.
Item 97 To Department of Environmental Quality - Drinking Water
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Division of
Drinking Water in Item 23, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013,
shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these
funds are limited to equipment $4,000; special studies and
database development $25,000.
Public Lands Policy Coordination Office
Item 98 To Public Lands Policy Coordination Office
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Public
Lands Policy Coordination Office in Item 25, Chapter 8, Laws
of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
Expenditures of these funds are limited to litigation expenses
The Legislature intends that the Public Lands Policy
Coordination Office provide to the Natural Resources,
Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee by May 30,
2014 an itemized schedule and costs for the economic analysis
from H.B. 142, 2013 General Session.
The Legislature intends that the Public Lands Policy
Coordination Office use up to $20,000 to secure the
compilation of Utah-specific data from the Nevadas Public
Land Management Task Force Report and report to the Natural
Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee
by June 30, 2014.
Governor's Office
Item 99 To Governor's Office - Office of Energy Development
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Office
of Energy Development in Item 26, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah
2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of
these funds are limited to energy efficiency programs and
studies targeting agriculture and transportation, not to exceed
$752,800; programs aimed at accomplishing the Governor's
10-year strategic energy plan, not to exceed $200,000.
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 100 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
From General Fund, One-time (23,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Horse Racing 3,000
From General Fund Restricted - Livestock Brand 20,200
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the
Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the General
Administration line item in Item 27, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah
2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of
these funds are limited to: Computer Equipment/Software
$35,000; Employee Training/Incentives $100,000;
Equipment/Supplies $75,000; Special Projects/Studies
Item 101 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Animal Health
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Animal Health line item in Item 27, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Special Projects/Studies $100,000.
Item 102 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Plant Industry
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 21,000
Schedule of Programs:
Plant Industry 21,000
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Plant Industry line item in Item 27, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Capital Equipment or Improvements $100,000; Computer Equipment/Software $50,000; Employee Training/Incentives $90,000; Equipment/Supplies $100,000; Vehicles $75,000; Special Projects/Studies $785,000.
Item 103 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Regulatory Services
From Dedicated Credits Revenue 52,500
Schedule of Programs:
Regulatory Services 52,500
Item 104 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Marketing and Development
From General Fund, One-time 85,400
Schedule of Programs:
Marketing and Development 85,400
The Legislature intends the $85,400 one-time appropriation from the General Fund for the Utah's Own appropriation not lapse at the close of FY 2014.
Item 105 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Predatory Animal Control
From General Fund, One-time (8,700)
From General Fund Restricted - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention 8,700
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Predatory Animal Control in Item 29, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Equipment/Supplies $50,000; Special Projects/Studies $150,000.
Item 106 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource Conservation
From General Fund, One-time (3,500)
From Utah Rural Rehabilitation Loan State Fund 3,500
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Resource Conservation in Item 30, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to: Capital Equipment or Improvements $30,000; Computer Equipment/Software $25,000; Employee Training/Incentives $20,000; Equipment/Supplies $20,000; Vehicles $25,000; Special Projects/Studies $15,000.
Item 107 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Invasive Species Mitigation
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Invasive Species Mitigation in Item 31, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds are limited to invasive species mitigation projects $1,000,000.
Item 108 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Rangeland Improvement
Under the terms of 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for Rangeland Improvement in Item 32, Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2013, shall
not lapse at the close of FY 2014. Expenditures of these funds
are limited to rangeland improvement projects $1,346,000.
Item 109 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Utah State Fair
The Legislature intends that the State Fair Corporation
provide monthly reports on their budgets to the chairs of the
Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality
Appropriations Subcommittee in FY 2014 and FY 2015.
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Item 110 To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
From Land Grant Management Fund, One-time 100,000
Schedule of Programs:
Director 100,000
Retirement and Independent Entities
Career Service Review Office
Item 111 To Career Service Review Office
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for Career Service Review Office in Item 1 of Chapter 9 Laws
of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2014. The use
of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following: Grievance
Resolution - $30,000.
Department of Human Resource Management
Item 112 To Department of Human Resource Management - Human
Resource Management
From General Fund, One-time 250,000
Schedule of Programs:
Information Technology 250,000
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603-(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for Human Resource Management in item 2 of Chapter 9 Laws
of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The
use of any non-lapsing funds is limited to the following:
Information Technology and Consulting Services - $300,000;
and DHRM Statewide Management of Liability Training
Program - $50,000.
Executive Appropriations
Utah National Guard
Item 113 To Utah National Guard
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for the Utah National Guard in item 1 of Chapter 5 Laws of
Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use
of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the following: National
Guard Tuition Assistance $25,000 and Armory Maintenance
Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs
Item 114 To Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs - Veterans' and
Military Affairs
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for the Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs in item 2
of Chapter 5 Laws of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal
Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is limited to the
following: Cemetery and Memorial Park $30,000 and Outreach
Services $70,000.
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 115 To Capitol Preservation Board
From General Fund, One-time 402,400
Schedule of Programs:
Capitol Preservation Board 402,400
Under terms of Section 63J-1-603(3)(a) Utah Code
Annotated the Legislature intends that appropriations provided
for the Capitol Preservation Board in item 3 of Chapter 5 Laws
of Utah 2013 not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Item 116 To Legislature - Senate
From General Fund, One-time 90,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration 90,000
Item 117 To Legislature - House of Representatives
From General Fund, One-time 1,630,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration 1,630,000
Item 118 To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
From General Fund, One-time 500,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration and Research 500,000
Item 119 To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General
From General Fund, One-time 892,000
Schedule of Programs:
Administration 892,000
Item 120 To Legislature - Legislative Services
From General Fund, One-time 1,155,800
Schedule of Programs:
Legislative Services 1,155,800
Subsection 1(b). Expendable Funds and Accounts. The Legislature has reviewed the
following expendable funds. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of
Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from
the recipient funds or accounts may be made without further legislative action according to a fund or
account's applicable authorizing statute.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Governor's Office
Item 121 To Governor's Office - Crime Victim Reparations Fund
From General Fund, One-time 114,200
Schedule of Programs:
Crime Victim Reparations Fund 114,200
Business, Economic Development, and Labor
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 122 To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Industrial Assistance Fund
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Industrial Assistance Fund (Fund 1054) in Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 314, Item 121 be nonlapsing.
Public Service Commission
Item 123 To Public Service Commission - Universal Telecommunications Support Fund
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that appropriations provided for the Public Service Commission Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund in Item 33, Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2013, shall not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014. The use of any nonlapsing funds is to be used as described in Title 54-8b-15 Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support Fund.
Subsection 1(c). Business-like Activities. The Legislature has reviewed the following proprietary funds. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code 63J-1-410, for any included Internal Service Fund the Legislature approves budgets, full-time permanent positions, and capital acquisition amounts as indicated, and appropriates to the funds as indicated estimated revenue from rates, fees, and other charges. Where applicable, the Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and accounts as indicated.
Executive Offices and Criminal Justice
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 124 To Utah Department of Corrections - Utah Correctional Industries
From Federal Funds 2,000,000
Schedule of Programs:
Utah Correctional Industries 2,000,000
Under Section 63J-1-603 of the Utah Code, the Legislature intends that the appropriations provided for the Utah Correctional Industries not lapse at the close of Fiscal Year 2014.
Infrastructure and General Government
Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
Item 125 To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Purchasing and General Services
The Legislature intends that the Purchasing & General Services internal service fund Central Mailing Program may add up to three vehicles.
Item 126 To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Fleet Operations
Authorized Capital Outlay 3,490,600
The Legislature intends that appropriations for Fleet Operations not lapse capital outlay authority granted within Fiscal Year 2014 for vehicles not delivered by the end of Fiscal Year 2014 in which vehicle purchase orders were issued obligating capital outlay funds.
Item 127 To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Facilities Construction and Management - Facilities Management
The Legislature intends that the DFCM internal service fund may add up to three FTEs and up to two vehicles beyond the authorized level if new facilities come on line or maintenance agreements are requested. Any added FTEs or vehicles will be reviewed and may be approved by the Legislature in the next legislative session.
The Legislature intends that the DFCM internal service fund may collect the following rates from these respective agencies in FY'2014: Wasatch Courts $14,605, Chase Home $17,428, ICAP $12,469, Vernal DNR $59,481, Clearfield Warehouse C6 Archives $138,210, and Clearfield Warehouse C7 $65,150.
Department of Technology Services Internal Service Funds
Item 128 To Department of Technology Services - Agency Services
From Dedicated Credits - Intragovernmental Revenue 41,450,100
Schedule of Programs:
ISF - Agency Services Division 41,450,100
Subsection 1(d). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts among the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the recipient funds must be authorized elsewhere in an appropriations act.
Infrastructure and General Government
Fund and Account Transfers
Item 129 To Fund and Account Transfers - General Fund Budget Reserve Account
From General Fund, One-time 1,000,001
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund Budget Reserve Account 1,000,001
Social Services
Fund and Account Transfers
Item 130 To Fund and Account Transfers - Automatic External Defibrillator Account
From General Fund, One-time 150,000
Schedule of Programs:
GFR - Automatic External Defibrillator Account 150,000
Subsection 1(e). Transfers to Unrestricted Funds. The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts to the unrestricted General, Education, or
Uniform School Fund as indicated from the restricted funds or accounts indicated. Expenditures and
outlays from the General, Education, or Uniform School Fund must be authorized elsewhere in an
appropriations act.
Infrastructure and General Government
Transfers to Unrestricted Funds
Item 131 To General Fund
From Debt Service 1,051,400
From Purchasing and General Services Internal Service Fund 100,000
From Capital Project Fund - Contingency Reserve 3,000,000
From Nonlapsing Balances - Debt Service (1,098,200)
Schedule of Programs:
General Fund, One-time 3,053,200
Section 2. Effective Date.
If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect upon
approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution
Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override.
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