S.B. 264






Chief Sponsor: J. Stuart Adams

House Sponsor: Daniel McCay

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill enacts provisions relating to the attorney general's procurement of litigation
             11      related services.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    enacts provisions relating to the procurement of outside counsel, expert witness, and
             15      litigation support services by the attorney general;
             16          .    establishes a process through which the attorney general may procure those
             17      services;
             18          .    authorizes the attorney general to waive certain provisions under specified
             19      conditions;
             20          .    enacts provisions relating to contracts the attorney general enters into for litigation
             21      related services; and
             22          .    establishes limits on the amount of contingency fees for outside counsel.
             23      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:
             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             28      ENACTS:
             29           67-5-501 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30           67-5-502 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31           67-5-503 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32           67-5-504 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33           67-5-505 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34           67-5-506 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35           67-5-507 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36           67-5-508 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37           67-5-509 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38           67-5-510 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39           67-5-511 , Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             42          Section 1. Section 67-5-501 is enacted to read:
Part 5. Retention of Outside Counsel and Litigation Services

             44          67-5-501. Title.
             45          This part is known as "Retention of Outside Counsel and Litigation Services."
             46          Section 2. Section 67-5-502 is enacted to read:
             47          67-5-502. Definitions.
             48          As used in this part:
             49          (1) "Agency" has the same meaning as defined in Section 67-5-3 .
             50          (2) "Attorney general" means the attorney general of the state or the attorney general's
             51      designee.
             52          (3) "Chief procurement officer" has the same meaning as defined in Section
             53      63G-6a-103 .
             54          (4) "Division" means the Division of Purchasing and General Services created in
             55      Section 63A-2-101 .
             56          (5) "Expert witness" means an individual whose knowledge, skill, experience, training,
             57      or education in a scientific, technical, or other specialized area enables the individual to give
             58      testimony under Rule 702 of the Utah Rules of Evidence.

             59          (6) "Government records law" means Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records
             60      Access and Management Act.
             61          (7) "Invitation for bids" means an invitation, as described in Section 63G-6a-603 , by
             62      which bids for a procurement item are solicited.
             63          (8) "Litigation support service" means a good, service, software, or technology for use
             64      in connection with litigation being handled by the attorney general's office or outside counsel.
             65          (9) "Outside counsel":
             66          (a) means an attorney or law firm hired by the attorney general to handle a legal matter
             67      for which the attorney general has responsibility to provide legal representation; and
             68          (b) does not include an attorney who is not, or a law firm whose attorneys are not:
             69          (i) employed by the attorney general's office under Sections 67-5-7 through 67-5-13 ; or
             70          (ii) appointed by the attorney general under Section 67-5-5 to represent or provide legal
             71      advice or counsel to an agency.
             72          (10) "Procure" has the same meaning as defined in Section 63G-6a-103 .
             73          (11) "Procurement" has the same meaning as defined in Section 63G-6a-103 .
             74          (12) "Procurement code" means Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code.
             75          (13) "Procurement service" means:
             76          (a) the services of outside counsel or an expert witness; or
             77          (b) a professional litigation support service or a litigation support service.
             78          (14) "Professional litigation support service" means a service:
             79          (a) provided by a person with advanced or specialized training, knowledge, expertise,
             80      or experience; and
             81          (b) for use in connection with litigation being handled by the attorney general's office
             82      or outside counsel.
             83          (15) "Request for proposals" has the same meaning as provided in Section 63G-6a-103 .
             84          (16) "Small purchase" means:
             85          (a) a contract for outside counsel, an expert witness, or professional litigation support
             86      service under which the total fee or charge is $100,000 or less;
             87          (b) a purchase of a litigation support service costing $50,000 or less; or
             88          (c) a procurement, within the dollar limit of Subsection (16)(a) or (b), as applicable,
             89      that the chief procurement officer delegates to the attorney general under the procurement code.

             90          (17) "Sole source procurement" means a procurement:
             91          (a) of a procurement service; and
             92          (b) that meets the criteria stated in Subsection 63G-6a-802 (2)(a) or (b).
             93          Section 3. Section 67-5-503 is enacted to read:
             94          67-5-503. Procurement of outside counsel and other litigation services.
             95          (1) As provided in this part, the attorney general may procure:
             96          (a) the services of outside counsel;
             97          (b) an expert witness;
             98          (c) a professional litigation support service; or
             99          (d) a litigation support service.
             100          (2) Except as provided in this part, a procurement under this part is governed by and
             101      subject to the procurement code and administrative rules adopted by the division.
             102          (3) The attorney general shall provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all
             103      potential providers of a procurement service.
             104          (4) The attorney general may procure a procurement service by means of:
             105          (a) a request for bids;
             106          (b) a request for proposals;
             107          (c) a sole source procurement; or
             108          (d) a small purchase.
             109          (5) The attorney general shall support a procurement with a determination that the
             110      procurement is in the best interests of the state, in light of resources available to the attorney
             111      general.
             112          Section 4. Section 67-5-504 is enacted to read:
             113          67-5-504. Request for proposals.
             114          (1) The attorney general may issue a request for proposals for a procurement service
             115      instead of a request for bids if the procurement is for professional services or includes a factor
             116      other than price.
             117          (2) The attorney general may issue a request for proposals:
             118          (a) in stages; or
             119          (b) following a request for information, as defined in Section 63G-6a-103 , or other
             120      procurement process allowed by the procurement code.

             121          (3) A request for proposals shall include:
             122          (a) a description of the matter for which the procurement service is sought;
             123          (b) a description of any fee arrangement;
             124          (c) an indication of the individuals or entities being sought, including whether an
             125      individual, firm, or association of firms may respond;
             126          (d) the qualification criteria, including, as applicable:
             127          (i) identification by name and experience of the proposed provider;
             128          (ii) a description of the duties and responsibilities of each individual providing the
             129      service; and
             130          (iii) the ability of each individual providing service to meet the needs of the matter,
             131      including the consideration of any association with another individual, expert witness, or firm;
             132          (e) the relative importance of the qualification criteria;
             133          (f) a copy of the proposed contract or another writing showing the contractual
             134      requirements;
             135          (g) a request for a conflicts analysis, including any potential conflict of interest or any
             136      other related matter concerning the potential provider's ability to perform ethically the
             137      requested services;
             138          (h) an explanation of the requirements regarding submission of proposals, including
             139      the date, time, place, and method of submission and the form of the proposals;
             140          (i) a statement that the attorney general reserves the right to reject proposals that are
             141      filed late or do not conform to applicable requirements; and
             142          (j) a statement that the attorney general reserves the right to modify the request for
             143      proposals, cancel the request for proposals, with or without issuing a new request for proposals,
             144      or reject all proposals.
             145          Section 5. Section 67-5-505 is enacted to read:
             146          67-5-505. Sole source procurement.
             147          (1) The attorney general may procure a procurement service through a sole source
             148      procurement if the attorney general determines in writing, after reasonable efforts to locate
             149      providers for the procurement service, that a sole source procurement meets applicable criteria
             150      under Section 63G-6a-802 .
             151          (2) The attorney general may publish notice of the sole source procurement on the

             152      state's procurement website or by another means in order to learn whether there is any other
             153      qualified provider of the procurement service.
             154          (3) The attorney general shall negotiate with the sole source provider to ensure that the
             155      terms of the contract, including price and delivery, are in the best interests of the state.
             156          Section 6. Section 67-5-506 is enacted to read:
             157          67-5-506. Small purchases.
             158          (1) The attorney general may make a small purchase if the attorney general finds in
             159      writing that the proposed procurement meets the definition of a small purchase.
             160          (2) In making a small purchase, the attorney general may use:
             161          (a) a request for quotes; or
             162          (b) a rotational system among qualified providers, in accordance with policies that the
             163      attorney general establishes.
             164          (3) The attorney general shall ensure that a small purchase is made with as much
             165      competition as reasonably practicable, while avoiding harm or a risk of harm to public health,
             166      safety, welfare, or property.
             167          Section 7. Section 67-5-507 is enacted to read:
             168          67-5-507. Emergencies.
             169          (1) The attorney general may waive an applicable provision of this part or the
             170      procurement code:
             171          (a) if the attorney general determines in writing that a condition or set of conditions
             172      requires a provision of this part or the procurement code to be waived due to a need to:
             173          (i) be timely;
             174          (ii) meet a litigation deadline;
             175          (iii) preserve confidentiality; or
             176          (iv) address some other circumstance requiring expedited attention;
             177          (b) in order to eliminate or reduce the impact of the condition or set of conditions; and
             178          (c) as necessary to enable the timely procurement of a procurement service.
             179          (2) A written determination under Subsection (1)(a) shall state the condition or set of
             180      conditions requiring a waiver.
             181          (3) To the extent that provisions of this part and the procurement code are not waived,
             182      a procurement under this section shall comply with this part and the procurement code.

             183          (4) The attorney general shall make a procurement under this section with as much
             184      competition as reasonably practicable, while avoiding harm or risk of harm to public health,
             185      safety, welfare, or property.
             186          Section 8. Section 67-5-508 is enacted to read:
             187          67-5-508. Procurement contract.
             188          (1) A procurement of a procurement service shall be memorialized in a written contract
             189      between the attorney general and the provider of the procurement service.
             190          (2) A written contract under Subsection (1) shall include:
             191          (a) all material terms set forth in:
             192          (i) the procurement invitation or request that the attorney general issued; and
             193          (ii) the response that the provider submitted, to the extent that the terms are accepted
             194      by the attorney general;
             195          (b) a clause allowing termination of the contract for cause or for convenience; and
             196          (c) any terms required by law.
             197          Section 9. Section 67-5-509 is enacted to read:
             198          67-5-509. Contract with outside counsel.
             199          (1) A contract that the attorney general enters into with outside counsel shall require
             200      that the attorney general:
             201          (a) retain complete oversight and control over the course and conduct of the litigation
             202      or anticipated litigation for which outside counsel is hired;
             203          (b) appoint a member of the attorney general's office to personally oversee the
             204      litigation;
             205          (c) retain the ability to override any decision relating to the litigation that outside
             206      counsel makes;
             207          (d) be made aware of and allowed to attend and participate in any settlement
             208      conference held relating to the litigation; and
             209          (e) make all decisions relating to settlement of the litigation.
             210          (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the hiring of outside counsel who is bond counsel.
             211          Section 10. Section 67-5-510 is enacted to read:
             212          67-5-510. Contract with contingency fee provision.
             213          (1) The attorney general may not enter into a contract with outside counsel that

             214      provides for the outside counsel to receive a contingency fee in excess of:
             215          (a) 25% of the amount recovered, if the amount recovered is no more than
             216      $10,000,000;
             217          (b) 25% of the first $10,000,000 recovered, plus 20% of the amount recovered that
             218      exceeds $10,000,000, if the amount recovered is over $10,000,000 but no more than
             219      $15,000,000;
             220          (c) 25% of the first $10,000,000 recovered, plus 20% of the next $5,000,000 recovered,
             221      plus 15% of the amount recovered that exceeds $15,000,000, if the amount recovered is over
             222      $15,000,000 but no more than $20,000,000;
             223          (d) 25% of the first $10,000,000 recovered, plus 20% of the next $5,000,000
             224      recovered, plus 15% of the next $5,000,000 recovered, plus 10% of the amount recovered that
             225      exceeds $20,000,000, if the amount recovered is over $20,000,000 but no more than
             226      $25,000,000; or
             227          (e) 25% of the first $10,000,000 recovered, plus 20% of the next $5,000,000 recovered,
             228      plus 15% of the next $5,000,000 recovered, plus 10% of the next $5,000,000 recovered, plus
             229      5% of any portion of the recovery that exceeds $25,000,000, if the amount recovered is over
             230      $25,000,000.
             231          (2) Except as provided by the government records law or the Rules of Professional
             232      Conduct promulgated by the Utah Supreme Court, the attorney general shall make a copy of an
             233      executed contingency fee contract with outside counsel available for public inspection in
             234      accordance with the government records law.
             235          (3) The attorney general shall make a record of any payment to outside counsel under a
             236      contract with a contingency fee provision available for public inspection in accordance with the
             237      government records law.
             238          (4) (a) Upon request of the president of the Senate or the speaker of the House of
             239      Representatives, the attorney general shall make available to the president or the speaker:
             240          (i) each contract with outside counsel that:
             241          (A) contains a contingency fee provision; and
             242          (B) was executed during the year before the request;
             243          (ii) the name of any known party to the litigation that the outside counsel is handling
             244      under the contract;

             245          (iii) the amount of any recovery in the litigation; and
             246          (iv) the amount of any contingency fee paid under the contract.
             247          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the attorney general may withhold information
             248      that is private, controlled, or protected under the government records law, Rules of Professional
             249      Conduct, or other applicable law, unless the attorney general determines that the protection
             250      from public disclosure afforded the information under the government records law may be
             251      adequately preserved through a confidentiality agreement or other means.
             252          Section 11. Section 67-5-511 is enacted to read:
             253          67-5-511. Procurement records.
             254          (1) A proposal submitted to the attorney general under this part becomes property of
             255      the attorney general and the state.
             256          (2) (a) The attorney general shall place a proposal and any related information in a file
             257      relating to the procurement service for which the proposal was submitted.
             258          (b) A file under Subsection (2)(a) shall contain:
             259          (i) if applicable, a copy of each written determination made by the attorney general
             260      under this part or the procurement code;
             261          (ii) a copy of all documents relating to the procurement service, including documents
             262      indicating compliance with applicable notice requirements; and
             263          (iii) all responses to the procurement invitation or request, including, if applicable, any
             264      modification to the procurement invitation or request.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-27-14 2:47 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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