S.J.R. 10
9 General Description:
10 This rules resolution creates a joint rule that requires every legislator to volunteer in a
11 classroom.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 . requires every legislator to serve as a teacher's aide in a classroom within that
15 legislator's district;
16 . provides participation requirements;
17 . provides exceptions; and
18 . imposes a fine on a legislator who fails to comply with the rule.
19 Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Legislative Rules Affected:
23 JR7-1-101
25 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26 Section 1. JR7-1-101 is enacted to read:
29 JR7-1-101. Legislator classroom assistance -- Penalty for failure to volunteer.
30 (1) Each legislator shall volunteer as a teacher's aide in any public school for students
31 from preschool through grade 12 in the legislator's district. The volunteer work shall be
32 performed as follows:
33 (a) Each legislator shall volunteer for at least four hours during each month that the
34 legislator is in office, excluding:
35 (i) the month of February;
36 (ii) a month when the legislator is in office for less than 20 days; or
37 (iii) a month when there are no public school classes for students from preschool
38 through grade 12 in session within the legislator's district.
39 (b) While volunteering as a teacher's aide:
40 (i) the teacher may introduce the legislator and describe the legislator's position;
41 (ii) the legislator may not campaign or address the class as a whole, except that the
42 legislator may:
43 (A) provide a basic greeting; and
44 (B) perform a duty that is generally performed by a nonlegislator teacher's aide, such as
45 reading to the class as a whole or another similar activity; and
46 (iii) the legislator shall perform the duties and comply with the requirements that the
47 school has set for a teacher's aide.
48 (2) Each senator shall provide the secretary of the Senate, and each representative shall
49 provide the chief clerk of the House, with verification of the volunteer work, which verification
50 shall contain:
51 (a) the legislator's name;
52 (b) the date, school, teacher's name, class type, and hours volunteered; and
53 (c) the teacher's signature.
54 (3) (a) For each month that a legislator fails to meet the requirements of this rule, the
55 secretary of the Senate, for a senator, or the chief clerk of the House, for a representative, shall
56 issue a fine against the legislator in the amount of 1/12 of the legislator's annual compensation.
57 (b) Fines collected under this Subsection (3) shall be deposited into the Education
58 Fund.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-7-14 12:51 PM