S.J.R. 18





Chief Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

House Sponsor: ____________

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This joint resolution of the Legislature urges the Governor's Office of Economic
             10      Development and the Utah League of Cities and Towns to work with Utah's municipal
             11      leaders to help Utah become a fully "fiber friendly" state.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This resolution:
             14          .    urges the Governor's Office of Economic Development and the Utah League of
             15      Cities and Towns to work with Utah's municipal leaders to develop a
             16      comprehensive plan to become a fully "fiber friendly" state; and
             17          .    urges the Governor's Office of Economic Development to work in concert with the
             18      Utah League of Cities and Towns to provide support, encouragement, and technical
             19      expertise to Utah's cities and towns in promoting the goal of ubiquitous fiber
             20      connectivity to every Utah home and business.
             21      Special Clauses:
             22          None
             24      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             25          WHEREAS, since its founding Utah has recognized and embraced the need to build
             26      today for the growth and prosperity of future generations;
             27          WHEREAS, among the first acts of our pioneer forebears was the construction of

             28      irrigation systems and roads and city grids;
             29          WHEREAS, these early steps formed the foundation of the state to the present day and
             30      reflected a commitment to place completion of vital infrastructure above comfort or
             31      convenience and to sacrifice for the future good;
             32          WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Utah recognizes that in the future all
             33      advancement in every vital field of endeavor -- education, job creation, business, health care,
             34      public safety, scientific research, and all forms of information -- will depend upon full digital
             35      connectivity;
             36          WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Utah recognizes the state's need to compete
             37      in a world economy with human and natural resources and that fiber technology opens doors to
             38      Utah students of all ages;
             39          WHEREAS, high speed connectivity is currently limited in reaching the homes and
             40      businesses of Utah;
             41          WHEREAS, Utah has developed a thriving high-tech sector, employing thousands and
             42      contributing to the general prosperity of all;
             43          WHEREAS, businesses looking to build, relocate, or invest in Utah will include in their
             44      considerations the geographic and technological status of the state's digital infrastructure;
             45          WHEREAS, Utah's cities and towns are the government entities able to encourage and
             46      facilitate private sector expansion of fiber optic technology throughout the state;
             47          WHEREAS, cities and towns are ideally positioned to expedite the private sector
             48      deployment of ubiquitous fiber networks by streamlining permitting, rights-of-way, building
             49      codes, planning, pole availability, and other impediments to full construction;
             50          WHEREAS, a city or town designation of "fiber deployed," "fiber ready," or "fiber
             51      friendly" would be useful distinctions in recruiting and retaining businesses for cities and
             52      towns;
             53          WHEREAS, the Governor's Office of Economic Development is tasked with
             54      encouraging the creation and development of economic expansion within Utah's borders and
             55      recognizes fully the need for universal digital connectivity;
             56          WHEREAS, the Utah League of Cities and Towns represents and assists Utah's cities
             57      and towns as a whole on a host of issues; and
             58          WHEREAS, the Utah League of Cities and Towns and the Governor's Office of

             59      Economic Development are willing to coordinate efforts to encourage "fiber friendly"
             60      communities throughout Utah and to work in concert with Utah's cities and towns:
             61          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
             62      urges the Governor's Office of Economic Development and the Utah League of Cities and
             63      Towns to work with Utah's city and town leaders to develop a comprehensive plan to become a
             64      fully "fiber friendly" state.
             65          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges the
             66      Governor's Office of Economic Development to work in concert with the Utah League of
             67      Cities and Towns to provide support, encouragement, and technical expertise to Utah's cities
             68      and towns in promoting the goal of ubiquitous fiber connectivity to every Utah home and
             69      business.
             70          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor's
             71      Office of Economic Development and the Utah League of Cities and Towns for distribution to
             72      its members.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 3-3-14 11:17 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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