House of Representatives
State of Utah
February 6, 2014
Madam Speaker:
The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 36, CHARTER
SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AMENDMENTS, by Representative D. Lifferth, with the following
Francis D. Gibson
Voting: 13-0-3
1. Page
1, Line 15
. a child or grandchild of a member of the charter school governing
; and
. allows a charter school to weight its lottery to give a slightly better chance of
admission to educationally disadvantaged students.
2. Page
3, Lines 64 through 65
language learners may give an enrollment preference to English language learners.
(7) A charter school may weight its lottery to give a slightly better chance of
admission to educationally disadvantaged students, including:
(a) low-income students;
(b) students with disabilities;
(c) English language learners;
(d) migrant students;
(e) neglected or delinquent students; and
(f) homeless students.
A charter school may not discriminate in its admission policies or
practices on the
Committee Chair
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Bill Number