House of Representatives
State of Utah
February 11, 2014
Madam Speaker:
The Business and Labor Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 76,
INSURANCE RELATED REVISIONS, by Representative J. Bird, with the following amendments and
recommends it be placed on the Consent Calendar.
0. Page
Page 7, Lines 190 through 192
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), a de minimis gift or meal not to exceed
may be conditioned on receipt of a quote of a particular insurance product
if the
de minimis gift
or meal is provided by the insurer and not by a producer or consultant.
James A. Dunnigan
Committee Chair
Voting: 13-0-3
4 HB0076.HC2.wpd 2/11/14 4:59 pm bhowe/BRH PO/BRH