House of Representatives State of Utah



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         P.O. BOX 145030 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5030 . (801) 538-1029

        February 14, 2014

Madam Speaker:

    The Political Subdivisions Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 102, ASSESSMENT AREA AMENDMENTS, by Representative R. C. Webb, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 74 through 76 :    

             74          (9) "Benefitted property" means property within an assessment area that


directly [or

             75      indirectly] benefits from improvements
{   ,   }        or       operation and maintenance      {   ,   }        ;       or

  (b) directly or indirectly benefits from       economic promotion

             76      activities.

2.    Page 3, Lines 82 through 83 :    

             82          (13) (a) "Commercial or industrial real property" means real property used directly
{   [   } or

             83      indirectly
{   ]   } or held for one of the following purposes or activities, regardless of whether the

3.    Page 12, Lines 346 through 349 :    

             346          (e) state that the local entity proposes to levy an assessment on benefitted property
             347      within the assessment area to pay some or all of the cost of the improvements according

to the
             348      estimated


    (i) for an assessment for improvements or operation and maintenance,  
direct [and indirect] benefits to the property      {   from the improvements   } ;        or

    (ii) for an assessment for economic promotion activities, direct or indirect benefits to the property;  

             349          (f) state the assessment method by which the governing body proposes to levy the

4.    Page 15, Lines 447 through 452 :    

             447          (ii) collects for the petition described in Subsection (3)(c)(i)(A):
             448          (A) the signatures of owners of private real property that is located within the proposed
             449      assessment area;
             450          (B) enough signatures to exceed the number of contestable protest signatures
  received by the governing body protesting the described assessment area       by no less

             451      than 5% based on the same assessment method representation that was used to calculate the
             452      number of contestable protest signatures; and

5.    Page 17, Lines 513 through 516 :    

             513          (c) At each hearing, the board of equalization shall hear arguments from any person
             514      who claims to be aggrieved, including arguments relating to:
             515          (i) the direct [or indirect] benefits
  , or, if the assessment is for economic promotion activities, the direct or indirect benefits,       accruing to a tract, block, lot, or parcel of property in

             516      the assessment area; or

6.    Page 18, Lines 547 through 548 :    

             547          (i) each parcel of property within the assessment area will be directly [or indirectly]
             548      benefitted
  , or, if the assessment is for economic promotion activities, directly or indirectly benefitted,       in an amount not less than the assessment to be levied against

the property; and

7.    Page 21, Lines 636 through 638 :    

             636          (b) The validity of an otherwise valid assessment is not affected by the fact that the
             637      benefit to the property from the improvement
{   [   } :      {   ]   }

  (i)       does not increase the fair market value of the

             638      property
{   .   }        ; or      

  (ii) in the case of an assessment for economic promotion activities, only indirectly benefits the property.      


    R. Curt Webb
    Committee Chair

Voting: 8-0-3
3 HB0102.HC1.wpd 2/14/14 10:04 am jwade/JTW VA/JTW

Bill Number
Action Class
Action Code

