House of Representatives State of Utah



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         P.O. BOX 145030 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5030 . (801) 538-1029

February 19, 2014

CORRECTED on 2/20/2014

Madam Speaker:

    The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 201, VISITATION AMENDMENTS, by Representative L. Christensen, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 72 through 76 :    

             72          (1) When

{   strictly   } necessary to protect a child and no less restrictive means is

             73      reasonably available, a court may order supervised parent-time if the court determines from
             74      sufficient available evidence that the child would be subject to physical, psychological, or
             75      emotional danger
  or child abuse, as described in Section 76-5-109,       from the noncustodial parent if left unsupervised with the noncustodial

             76      parent.

2.    Page 3, Lines 83 through 86 :    

             83      direction for parent-time when neither supervisor is available.
             84          (4) The court shall
{   diligently strive to   } give preference to a relative of the noncustodial

             85      parent who is known to the child, or an individual recommended by the noncustodial parent,
             86      when making the selection in Subsection (3).

3.    Page 2, Lines 32 through 35 :    

             32      and well-being of the child and the parent who [is the victim of] experience domestic or family
             33      violence.

             34          (b) Absent a showing by
{   [   } a preponderance of      {   ]   }      {   clear and convincing   } evidence of real

             35      harm or substantiated potential harm to the child:


    Kay L. McIff
    Committee Chair

Voting: 7-2-0
3 hb0201.hc1.wpd 2/19/14 5:52 pm chelsealloyd/CBL ECM/CBL

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