House of Representatives State of Utah



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         P.O. BOX 145030 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5030 . (801) 538-1029

        February 13, 2014

Madam Speaker:

    The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 271, MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS, by Representative L. Perry, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 31 through 38 :    

             31          (2) (a) Except while the engine is being warmed to the recommended operating
             32      temperature, the engine and power mechanism of a

{   :

             33          (i)  
gasoline-powered motor vehicle may not emit visible contaminants during
             34      operation
{   ;   }        .      

{   (ii) diesel engine manufactured on or after January 1, 1973, may not emit visible

             36      contaminants of a shade or density darker than 20% opacity; and
             37          (iii) diesel engine manufactured before January 1, 1973, may not emit visible
             38      contaminants of a shade or density darker than 40% opacity.  

    (b)(i) Except while the engine is being warmed to the recommended operating temperature, a diesel engine manufactured on or after January 1, 2008, may not emit visible contaminants during operation.
    (ii) Except while the engine is being warmed to the recommended operating temperature, or under a heavy tow load, a diesel engine manufactured before January 1, 2008, may not emit visible contaminants of a shade or density that obscures a contrasting background by more than 20%, for more than five consecutive seconds.  


    Curtis Oda
    Committee Chair

Voting: 10-0-1
3 HB0271.HC1.wpd 2/13/14 5:28 pm nbrady/NWB CJD/MDA

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