House of Representatives
State of Utah
March 4, 2014
Madam Speaker:
The Judiciary Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 375, PARENT-TIME
AFTER RELOCATION OF A PARENT, by Representative G. Froerer, with the following amendments
and recommends it be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Kay L. McIff
Voting: 6-0-3
1. Page
3, Lines 69 through 70
(a) the age of the child;
(b) the developmental needs of the child;
(c) the distance between the parents' homes;
(d) the travel arrangements and cost;
(e) the level of attachment between the child and the non-custodial parent; and
(f) any other factors relevant to the best interest of the child.
***Renumber the remaining subsections accordingly***
Committee Chair
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Bill Number