House of Representatives
State of Utah
Madam Speaker:
The Business and Labor Committee reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. S.B. 184,
LOCAL GOVERNMENT INSPECTION AMENDMENTS, by Senator J. S. Adams, with the following
amendments, recommended it be placed on the Consent Calendar, but, due to unknown fiscal impact,
recommends it be referred to the Rules Committee pending completion of a fiscal note.
James A. Dunnigan
Voting: 12-0-4
1. Page
2, Line 31
(2) A fee collected by a town for the inspection of a construction project
shall ensure
2. Page
2, Line 38
(2) A fee collected by a city for the inspection of a construction project
shall ensure
3. Page
2, Lines 47 through 48
(2) A compliance agency for a political subdivision may not reject a permit
otherwise withhold approval of a project whenever approval is required
4. Page
3, Line 61
(2) A fee collected by a county for the inspection of a construction project
shall ensure
Committee Chair
4NA SB0184.HC1.wpd 3/7/14 9:19 am bhowe/BRH VA/JTW
Bill Number