(4) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), if a citing law enforcement officer is not
reasonably able to access the efiling system, the citation need not be filed
electronically if being filed with a justice court.
(4) The provisions of this section requiring electronic filing do not apply to
counties of
the fourth, fifth, or sixth class.
The motion to amend passed unanimously with Rep. Grover and Rep. Stratton absent for the
MOTION: Rep. Ray moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Chair Greenwood asked Rep. Ray to conduct the meeting.
H.J.R. 17 Joint Resolution on Jail Facilities (Rep. R. Greenwood)
Rep. Greenwood explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Greenwood moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page
2, Line 57 through Page 3, Line 59
WHEREAS, contracting with the Utah Department of Corrections for additional
bed space would greatly assist the state in addressing projected bed space and treatment
Iron County's
all petitioning counties'
efforts to have sufficient
capacity to house
its prison
their jail
The motion to amend passed unanimously.
Spoke to the bill: Roland Cook, Executive Director, Utah Department of Corrections
Reed Richards, Weber County Attorney's Office
Spoke for the bill: Ron Gordon, Executive Director, Commission on Criminal
and Juvenile Justice
MOTION: Rep. Stratton moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed
Vice Chair Greenwood resumed the Chair.
H.B. 322 Protection of Activities in Private Vehicles (Rep. C. Oda)
At the request of the sponsor, this bill was not considered.
MOTION: Rep. Layton moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Chair Greenwood adjourned the meeting at 8:55 a.m.
Rep. Curtis Oda, Chair