1st Sub. H.B. 17

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 13, 2014 10:49 AM

Representative Johnny Anderson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 69 through 77 :    

             69          (c) (i)
  (A)       An interlocal entity is subject to each        state       law that governs each public agency that is

             70      a member of the entity.
  (B) A law described in Subsection (1)(c)(i)(A) does not include a local ordinance or other local law.      

             71          (ii) If a
  state       law that governs a public agency that is a member of the interlocal entity

             72      conflicts with a
  state       law that governs another member entity, the most restrictive        state       law governs.

             73          (iii) (A) If a public agency that is a member of the interlocal entity is an institution of
             74      higher education, the interlocal entity shall adopt the policies of the Board of Regents.
             75          (B) If a policy of the Board of Regents adopted by an interlocal entity in accordance
             76      with Subsection (1)(c)(iii)(A) conflicts with a
  state       law that governs a public agency that is a

             77      member entity, the
  state       law governs.

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LRGC victoriaashby victoriaashby R 02/13/14 10:06a