1st Sub. H.B. 84

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 February 27, 2014 11:07 AM

Representative Rich Cunningham proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 11 through 16 :    

             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides that
{   a qualifying city or interlocal agreement participant   }        an interlocal agreement participant or a certain qualifying city       may not submit

             13      for voter approval a measure to create a new school district if the results of a
             14      feasibility study show that the five-year projected average annual revenue of the
             15      proposed new school district exceeds the five-year projected average annual cost of
             16      the proposed new school district by more than 5%;

2.    Page 7, Lines 195 through 198 :    

             195          (c) A qualifying city
  incorporated after May 13, 2014,       may not submit for voter approval a measure to create a new

             196      school district if the results of a feasibility study described in Subsection (2)(b) show that the
             197      five-year projected average annual revenue calculated under Subsection (4)(a) exceeds the
             198      five-year projected average annual cost under Subsection (4)(b) by more than 5%.

3.    Page 11, Lines 323 through 326
    a.House Committee Amendments
    b.2-14-2014 :

             323          (c)
{   assumes a   }        considers the       level and quality of school district services to be provided to the

             324      proposed new school district in the future
{   that fairly and reasonably approximates   }        and       the level and

             325      quality of school district services being provided to the existing school district at the time of
             326      the feasibility study; and

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