H.B. 149

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 2 March 4, 2014 4:15 PM

Representative Michael E. Noel proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 1, Lines 14 through 15 :    

{       .    modifies current law regarding state and local law enforcement officers' recognition

             15      of law enforcement authority by federal agencies and employees;  

2.    Page 2, Line 37
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             37          . allows
{   local law enforcement agencies   }        county sheriffs       to enter into agreements with federal agencies

3.    Page 2, Lines 45 through 46
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

{   AMENDS:   }

{   53-13-106 , as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, First Special Session, Chapter 4   }

4.    Page , Line 59 through Page 4, Line 103 :    

{   Section 1. Section 53-13-106 is amended to read:

             60          53-13-106. Federal officers -- State law enforcement authority.
             61          (1) (a) "Federal officer" includes:
             62          (i) a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
             63          (ii) a special agent of the United States Secret Service;
             64          (iii) a special agent of the United States Department of Homeland Security, excluding a
             65      customs inspector or detention removal officer;
             66          (iv) a special agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms;
             67          (v) a special agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration;
             68          (vi) a United States marshal, deputy marshal, and special deputy United States marshal;
             69      and
             70          (vii) a U.S. postal inspector of the United States Postal Inspection Service.
             71          (b) (i) Federal officers listed in Subsection (1)(a) have statewide law enforcement
             72      authority relating to felony offenses under the laws of this state. This Subsection (1)(b)(i) takes
             73      precedence over Subsection (2).

             74          (ii) [Federal] Subject to Sections
53-13-106.1 through 53-13-106.10 , state and local
             75      law enforcement officers are authorized to recognize the exercise of law enforcement authority
             76      by federal agencies and federal employees [may exercise law enforcement authority related to
             77      misdemeanor and felony offenses under Utah law only as established by an agreement] as
             78      defined in Section
53-13-106.1 . This Subsection (1)(b)(ii) takes precedence over Subsection
             79      (2).
             80          (c) The council may designate other federal peace officers, as necessary, if the officers:
             81          (i) are persons employed full-time by the United States government as federally
             82      recognized law enforcement officers primarily responsible for the investigation and
             83      enforcement of the federal laws;
             84          (ii) have successfully completed formal law enforcement training offered by an agency
             85      of the federal government consisting of not less than 400 hours; and
             86          (iii) maintain in-service training in accordance with the standards set forth in Section
53-13-103 .
             88          (2) Except as otherwise provided under Title 63L, Chapter 1, Federal Jurisdiction, and
             89      Title 77, Chapter 9, Uniform Act on Fresh Pursuit, a federal officer may exercise state law
             90      enforcement authority only if:
             91          (a) the state law enforcement agencies and county sheriffs with jurisdiction enter into
             92      an agreement with the federal agency to be given authority; and
             93          (b) except as provided in Subsection (3), each federal officer employed by the federal
             94      agency meets the waiver requirements set forth in Section
53-6-206 .
             95          (3) A federal officer working as such in the state on or before July 1, 1995, may
             96      exercise state law enforcement authority without meeting the waiver requirement.
             97          (4) At any time, consistent with any contract with a federal agency, a state or local law
             98      enforcement authority may withdraw state law enforcement authority from any individual
             99      federal officer by sending written notice to the federal agency and to the division.
             100          (5) The authority of a federal officer under this section is limited to the jurisdiction of
             101      the authorizing state or local agency, and may be further limited by the state or local agency to
             102      enforcing specific statutes, codes, or ordinances.  
             103          Section
{   2   }        1.       . Section 53-13-106.1 is enacted to read:

5.    Page 5, Line 150 :    

             150          Section
{   3   }        2       . Section 53-13-106.2 is enacted to read:

6.    Page 6, Line 167
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             167          Section
{   4   }        (3)       . Section 53-13-106.3 is enacted to read:

7.    Page 6, Lines 174 through 177
    a.House Committee Amendments
    b.2-27-2014 :

             174          Section
{   5   }        (4)       . Section 53-13-106.4 is enacted to read:

             175          53-13-106.4. State and
{   local   }        county sheriff       law enforcement officers and federal employees --

             176      Enforcement of federal laws and regulations by state and
{   local   }        county sheriff       officers.

             177          A state
{   or local   } law enforcement agency        or a county sheriff       H. [is authorized to] may .H assist a

8.    Page 7, Line 186
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             186          (3)] .H the state
{   or local   } law enforcement agency        or a county sheriff       has H. [complied with] entered into

9.    Page 7, Line 187
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             187          Section
{   6   }        5       . Section 53-13-106.6 is enacted to read:

10.    Page 7, Line 194
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             194      managed land, only if
{   such   }        the       exercise is consistent with the Constitution of the United States and

11.    Page 7, Line 203
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             203          Section
{   7   }        6       . Section 53-13-106.7 is enacted to read:

12.    Page 8, Line 219
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             219          Section
{   8   }        7       . Section 53-13-106.8 is enacted to read:

13.    Page 8, Lines 226 through 227

    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             226          Section
{   9   }        8       . Section 53-13-106.9 is enacted to read:

             227          53-13-106.9. State and
{   local law   }        county sheriff law       enforcement officers and federal employees --

14.    Page 8, Line 230
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             230          (1)
{   Local law enforcement agencies   }        County sheriffs       may enter into agreements with federal agencies

15.    Page 8, Line 238a
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             238a          H. (3)
{   Local law enforcement agencies   }        Local county sheriffs       may enter into agreements with federal

16.    Page 8, Line 239
    House Committee Amendments
    2-27-2014 :

             239          Section
{   10   }        9       . Section 53-13-106.10 is enacted to read:

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