H.B. 172

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 March 6, 2014 3:15 PM

Representative Gage Froerer proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 6, Line 159 :    

             159          (c) (i) provide
{   a   }        an electronic       copy        or a hard copy       of either the reserve analysis or a summary of the reserve analysis

2.    Page 10, Line 279 :    

             279          (6)
{   An   }        Except as provided in Section 57-8-44, an       association of unit owners may collect an unpaid fine as an unpaid assessment

3.    Page 16, Line 477 :    

             477          (6)
{   An   }        Except as provided in Section 57-8a-301, an       association may collect an unpaid fine as an unpaid assessment in accordance

4.    Page 19, Line 574 :    

             574          (c) (i) provide
{   either a   }        an electronic       copy        or a hard copy       of        either       the reserve analysis or a summary of the reserve analysis

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LRGC cgilbert cgilbert B 03/06/14 2:24p