1st Sub. H.B. 201

Senate Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 March 6, 2014 4:35 PM

Senator Todd Weiler proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Lines 76 through 80 :    

             76          (2) A court that orders supervised parent-time shall give preference to persons
             77      suggested by the parties to supervise
  , including relatives       . If the court finds that the persons suggested by the

             78      parties are willing to supervise, and are capable of protecting the children from physical,
             79      psychological or emotional harm, or child abuse, the court shall authorize the persons to
             80      supervise parent-time.

2.    Page 3, Lines 84 through 86 :    

             84          (4) A noncustodial parent may petition the court to modify the order for supervised
             85      parent-time if the noncustodial parent can demonstrate that he or she has remedied the
             86      circumstances that justified the order for supervised parent-time.

    (5) At the time supervised parent-time is awarded, the court shall consider:
    (a) whether the cost of professional or agency services is likely to prevent the noncustodial parent from exercising parent-time; and
    (b) whether the requirement for supervised parent-time should expire after a set period of time; or
    (c) whether a follow-up hearing to determine whether supervised parent-time should continue should be scheduled at the time supervision is imposed.  

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