2nd Sub. H.B. 262

House Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 24, 2014 11:03 AM

Representative Kraig Powell proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 26 through 29 :    

             26          (1) The minimum number of yes votes required to pass any ordinance or resolution, or
             27      to take any action by the council, unless otherwise prescribed by law, is a majority of the
{   total

             28      number of  
voting members of the council, regardless
{   of the number of voting members of the

             29      council present at the meeting, and without considering any vacancy in the council  
  of absence or vacancy       .

2.    Page 2, Lines 35 through 36 :    

             35          (3)
{   A   }        If a vacancy exists in one or more council seats, a       majority of the council members        presently occupying council seats       , regardless of number, may        vote to       fill      {   any vacancy in

             36      the council  
  the vacancy       as provided under Section 20A-1-510 .

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LRGC victoriaashby victoriaashby J 02/24/14 10:23a