H.B. 269

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 3, 2014 3:53 PM

Representative Kraig Powell proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 50 through 52 :    

             50          (3) The municipality [may] shall withhold an otherwise valid plat approval until the
             51      owner of the land provides the legislative body with a tax clearance indicating that all

    (a) previous  

             52      interest, and penalties owing on the land
  before subdivision       have been paid      {   .   }        ; and

    (b) taxes for the current year for all affected parcels have been prepaid.  

2.    Page 4, Lines 106 through 108 :    

             106          (3) The county [may] shall withhold an otherwise valid plat approval until the owner of
             107      the land provides the legislative body with a tax clearance indicating that all

    (a) previous  
taxes, interest, and

             108      penalties owing on the land
  before subdivision       have been paid      {   .   }        ; and

     (b) taxes for the current year for all affected parcels have been prepaid.  

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