1st Sub. H.B. 283

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 February 5, 2014 6:38 PM

Representative Ken Ivory proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 5, Line 147 through Page 6, Line 164 :    

             147      Subsection (3)(b)
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             148          (4) before the state money is released to the nonprofit entity, the nonprofit entity
             149      submits to the state entity:
             150          (a) a form signed by the board members that certifies that the board members:
             151          (i) have read and understand the nonprofit entity's bylaws; and
             152          (ii) have had explained to them the benefit of insurance covering the activities of the
             153      board; and
             154          (b) (i) a form signed by the chief executive officer, executive director, or board
             155      president that certifies that the board understands basic board responsibilities, including:
             156          (A) determining the mission of the nonprofit entity;
             157          (B) hiring and, if needed, dismissing the chief executive officer or executive director;
             158          (C) planning and evaluating;
             159          (D) recruiting and orienting new board members;
             160          (E) assessing board performance;
             161          (F) providing financial oversight;
             162          (G) ensuring integrity and accountability; or
             163          (H) ensuring adequate resources; or
             164          (ii) a standard of ethics document adopted by the nonprofit entity  

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