H.B. 312

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 7, 2014 1:53 PM

Representative Brian S. King proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 53 through 54 :    

             53          (j) evidence that the retail licensee is carrying dramshop insurance coverage of at least
             54      $1,000,000 per [occurrence] person
{   and   }        ,       $2,000,000 [in the aggregate] per accident        , and $4,000,000 per year aggregate       ;

2.    Page 3, Lines 86 through 88 :    

             86          (e) evidence that the resort license person carries dramshop insurance coverage equal
             87      to the sum of at least $1,000,000 per [occurrence] person
{   and   }        ,       $2,000,000 [in the aggregate] per

             88      accident
  , and $4,000,000 per year aggregate,       to cover both the general resort license and each sublicense; and

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