S.B. 51

Senate Committee Amendments

Amendment 1 February 14, 2014 1:49 PM

Senator Jerry W. Stevenson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 27, Line 828 through Page 28, Line 850 :    

             828          (g) accept a grant, contribution, or loan, directly through the sale of securities or
             829      equipment trust certificates or otherwise, from the United States, or from a department,
             830      instrumentality, or agency of the United States
{   , to:   }        ;      

{   (i) sell or lease property;

             832          (ii) assist in or operate transit-oriented or transit-supportive developments;
             833          [(i)] (iii) establish, finance, participate as a limited partner or member in a development
             834      with limited liabilities in accordance with Subsection (1)(l), construct, improve, maintain, or
             835      operate transit facilities, equipment, and transit-oriented developments or transit-supportive
             836      developments; or
             837          [(ii)] (iv)  
  (h)       study and plan transit facilities in accordance with any legislation passed by

             838      Congress;
{   (h)   }        (i)       cooperate with and enter into an agreement with the state or an agency of the state

             840      or otherwise contract to finance to establish transit facilities and equipment or to study or plan
             841      transit facilities;
{   (i)   }        (j)       issue bonds as provided in and subject to Chapter 1, Part 11, Local District Bonds,

             843      to carry out the purposes of the district;
{   (j)   }        (k)       from bond proceeds or any other available funds, reimburse the state or an agency of

             845      the state for an advance or contribution from the state or state agency;
{   (k)   }        (l)       do anything necessary to avail itself of any aid, assistance, or cooperation available

             847      under federal law, including complying with labor standards and making arrangements for
             848      employees required by the United States or a department, instrumentality, or agency of the
             849      United States;
{   and   }

  (m) sell or lease property;

    (n) assist in or operate transit-oriented or transit-supportive developments;
    (o) establish, finance, participate as a limited partner or member in a development with limited liabilities in accordance with Subsection (1)(p), construct, improve, maintain, or operate transit facilities, equipment, and transit-oriented developments or transit-supportive developments; and  

{   (l)   }        (p)       subject to the restriction in Subsection (2), assist in a transit-oriented development

2.    Page 28, Lines 857 through 860 :    

             857          (2) (a) A public transit district may only assist in the economic development of areas

             858      under Subsection (1)
{   (l)   }        (p)       :

             859          (i) in the manner described in Subsection (1)
{   (l)   }        (p)       (i) or (ii); and

             860          (ii) on
{   [   } no more than      {   five   }        10            {   ]   } transit-oriented developments or transit-supportive

3.    Page 29, Line 864 :    

             864      provisions of Subsection (1)
{   (l)   }        (p)       (i), unless the partners, developer, or other investor in the entity,

4.    Page 29, Line 869 :    

             869      pursuant to Subsection (1)
{   (l)   }        (p)       (i) or (ii), except as may be required by the board member's

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