S.B. 123

House Committee Amendments

Amendment 2 February 18, 2014 1:58 PM

Representative Ryan D. Wilcox proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 45 through 53
    Senate Committee Amendments
    2-5-2014 :

             45          (B) does not receive a payment of funds from a federal agency or office, state agency or
             46      office, political subdivision, or other public agency or office other than a payment that does not
             47      materially exceed the greater of the fair market value and the cost of a service provided or
             48      property conveyed by the interlocal entity;
{   [   } and      {   ]   }

             49          (C) does not receive, expend, or have the authority to compel payment from tax
             50      revenue
{   [   } .      {   ]   }      {   ; and

             51          (D) is substantially a wholesale electric power supplier that supplies minimal or no
             52      retail electric power service.  

             53          (d) (i) "Use" means to use, own, manage, hold, keep safe, maintain, invest, deposit,

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