S.B. 132

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 February 12, 2014 10:14 AM

Senator Lyle W. Hillyard proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 9, Line 273 through Page 10, Line 276 :    

             273          (8)
  (a)       Upon receipt of the court's order, described in Subsection (3), the director or the

             274      director's designee shall assign the case to an eligible private attorney guardian ad litem, if
             275      available and as established by rule under Subsection (17).
  (b)    (i)    If the parties stipulate to the assignment of an eligible private attorney guardian ad litem, the office shall assign the stipulated private attorney guardian ad litem to the case.

        (ii)    If the stipulated private attorney guardian ad litem is unable to take the case, the office shall seek the input of the parties in selecting another eligible private attorney guardian ad litem.
    (c)    (i)    If, after the initial assignment of a private attorney guardian ad litem, either party objects to the assigned private attorney guardian at litem, that party may file an objection with the court within seven days after the day on which the party receives notice of the assigned private attorney guardian ad litem.
        (ii)    Upon receipt of the objection, and without a hearing, the court shall order the office to assign a new private attorney guardian ad litem in consultation with the parties.
        (iii)    If no alternative private attorney guardian ad litem is available, the office shall              notify the court.  

             276          (9) (a) When appointing a private attorney guardian ad litem, the court shall:

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