3rd Sub. S.B. 216

Senate Floor Amendments

Amendment 1 March 7, 2014 2:24 PM

Senator Patricia W. Jones proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 2, Lines 39 through 41 :    

             39          17B-1-502, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 141
{   17B-1-512, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 297   }

             41          63I-2-210, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 205

2.    Page 3, Lines 58 through 59 :    

             58          10-2-130. Suspension of township incorporation and annexation procedures on or
             59      after January 1, 2014
  -- Exceptions       .

3.    Page 3, Lines 78 through 83 :    

             78          (2) (a) Except as provided in
{   Subsection   }        Subsections       (3)        and (4)       :

             79          (i) if a request for incorporation described in Section
{   10-2-130   }        10-2-103       is filed with the

4.    Page 4, Lines 97 through 99 :    

             97          (b) is the subject of or otherwise relates to a petition to annex that is filed in accordance
             98      with Subsection 10-2-403(3) before January 1, 2014.
  (4)(a) For an incorporation petition suspended in accordance with Subsection (2), the petition sponsors may continue to gather petition signatures and file them with the county clerk as provided in Section 10-2-103.

    (b) The county clerk shall process the petition in accordance with Section 10-2-105 and may issue a certification or rejection of the petition as provided in Section 10-2-105.
    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of Chapter 2, Incorporation, Classification, Boundaries, Consolidation, and Dissolution of Municipalities, any further processing, including a feasibility study, public hearing, or an incorporation election, is suspended until November 15, 2015.  

             99          Section 2. Section 17-15-30 is enacted to read:

5.    Page 4, Lines 101 through 102 :    

             101          No later than December 1, 2014, a county of the first class shall study the governance
             102      of, delivery of services to
  ,       and other issues related to the unincorporated county.

6.    Page 4, Line 104 :    

             104          17-34-1. Counties may provide municipal services -- Limitation -- First
  -       class

7.    Page 7, Lines 202 through 204 :    

             202          (5) (a) If adequate protests are not filed with respect to a resolution proposing the
             203      creation of a local district for which an election is not required under Subsection
             204      17B-1-214(3)(d), (e), [or] (f), or (g)
  ,       a resolution approving the creation of the local district may

8.    Page 11, Lines 321 through 322 :    

             321          (c) if an election was not required because of Subsection 17B-1-214(3)(d), (e), [or] (f),
             322      or (g)
  ,       the area of the new local district as described in the resolution adopted under Subsection

9.    Page 13, Lines 379 through 380 :    

             379          (A) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; or
             380          (B) law enforcement
{   services   }        service       ; and

10.    Page 14, Line 383 through Page 17, Line 472 :    
    Delete lines 383 through 472

     Renumber remaining sections accordingly.

11.    Page 17, Line 501 :    

             501      Local Districts, and a provision in this part, the provisions in this part
{   governs   }        govern       .

12.    Page 17, Lines 518 through 519 :    

             518          (3) The legislative body shall comply with the requirements of Sections 17B-1-210
{   ,

             519      211, and 212  
  through 17B-1-212       .

13.    Page 19, Lines 557 through 561 :    

             557          (ii) a member with powers and duties of other board of
{   trustee   }        trustees       members as described in

             558      Subsection (2)(b).
             559          (4) The board may adopt a resolution providing for future board members to be
             560      appointed, as provided in Section 17B-1-304, or elected, as provided in Section 17B-1-306.
             561          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsections 17B-1-309(1) or
{   Subsection   } 17B-1-310(1), the

14.    Page 19, Line 580 :    

             580          (d) is located in whole or
  in       part in one of the following as defined in Section 17-41-101:

15.    Page 20, Line 596 :    

             596          (b) representative of only
{   the   } those taxes collected in the area of the municipality that is

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