Room 445, State Capitol

February 3, 2016


Members Present:    Rep. Val L. Peterson, Chair

                                    Rep. John Knotwell, Vice Chair

                                    Rep. Jacob L. Anderegg 

                                    Rep. Susan Duckworth 

                                    Rep. Gage Froerer 

                                    Rep. Brad King

                                    Rep. Derrin Owens

                                    Rep. Dixon M. Pitcher 

                                    Rep. Marc K. Roberts

                                    Rep. Mike Schultz

                                    Rep. Jon E. Stanard 

                                    Rep. R. Curt Webb

                                    Rep. Brad R. Wilson

Members Excused:   Rep. James A. Dunnigan

Staff Present:            Mr. Joseph T. Wade, Policy Analyst 

                                    Ms. Rosemary Young, Committee Secretary


Note:                   List of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.

Vice Chair Knotwell called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

MOTION:     Rep. King moved to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2016 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Froerer, Rep. Schultz, Rep. Wilson, and Rep. Peterson absent for the vote.

Chair Peterson assumed the chair.


H.B. 113         Health Care Sharing Ministry Amendments (Rep. M. Kennedy)

Rep. Kennedy explained the bill assisted by Michael Sharman, Liberty HealthShare.

Spoke to the bill:        Todd Kiser                             Utah Insurance Commissioner

                                    Tanji Anderson Northrup       Utah Insurance Assistant Commissioner

Spoke for the bill:       Connor Boyak                        Libertas Institute

                                    Melissa McGibbon                 citizen

                                    Thomas Butler                        Medical Cost Share

                                    Sarah Higbee                          citizen

                                    Shane Mayberry                     citizen

MOTION:     Rep. Anderegg moved to pass out favorably H. B. 113. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Schultz absent for the vote.


H.B. 163         Title Insurance Amendments (Rep. R. C. Webb)

Rep. Webb distributed a handout, "HB 163 Title Insurance Amendments Second Sub" and explained the bill.

Spoke for the bill:       Chris Kyler                 Utah Association of Realtors

                                    Todd Kiser                 Utah Insurance Commissioner

                                    Scott Halvorsen          Utah Land Title Association 

                                    Howard Headlee         Utah Bankers Association

MOTION:     Rep. Stanard moved to replace H.B. 163 with 2nd Substitute H.B. 163. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Knotwell absent for the vote.

MOTION:     Rep. Froerer moved to pass out favorably 2nd Substitute H.B. 163. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Knotwell absent for the vote.


H.B. 204         Capital Development and Capital Improvement Projects Amendments (Rep. B. Wilson)

This bill was not heard.


1st Sub. S.B. 22         Foreclosure of Residential Rental Property (Sen. W. Harper)

Senator Harper explained the bill.

MOTION:     Rep. Webb moved to amend 1st Sub S.B. 22 as follows:


1.    Page 4, Line 108 through Page 5, Line 121: 


108 (a) "Bona fide residential rental agreement" means an agreement, for a property

109secured by a trust deed:

110 (i) that was the result of an arm's-length transaction;

111 (ii) established before:

112 (A) the trustee records a notice of default for the property under Section 57-1-24; or

113 (B) the trustee or beneficiary files an action to foreclose the trust property under Title

11478B, Chapter 6, Part 9, Mortgage Foreclosure;

115 (iii) that provides an individual the right to exclusive use and occupancy of the

116residential property:

117 (A) on an at-will basis; or

118 (B) for a period specified by the agreement  that is no longer than twelve months  ; and

119 (iv) that requires the individual to pay rent in an amount that:

120 (A) is not substantially less than fair market rent for the property; or

121 (B) is less than fair market rent due to a federal, state, or local subsidy.


2.    Page 8, Lines 229 through 240:      


229 (a) "Bona fide residential rental agreement" means an agreement, for a property

230secured by a mortgage:

231 (i) that was the result of an arm's-length transaction;

232 (ii) established before the filing of an action to foreclose the mortgage under Part 9,

233Mortgage Foreclosure;

234 (iii) that provides an individual the right to exclusive use and occupancy of the

235residential property:

236 (A) on an at-will basis; or

237 (B) for a period specified by the agreement  that is no longer than twelve months  ; and

238 (iv) that requires the individual to pay rent in an amount that:

239 (A) is not substantially less than fair market rent for the property; or

240 (B) is less than fair market rent due to a federal, state, or local subsidy.


The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Roberts, Rep. Schultz, and Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Reb. Webb moved to pass out favorably 1st Substitute S.B. 22. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Roberts, Rep. Schultz, and Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


S.B. 39            Medicaid Coverage for Adult Dental Services (Sen. S. Urquhart)


Sen. Urquhart explained the bill.


Spoke for the bill:       Joyce Dolcourt           Utah Legislative Coalition for People with                                                                                       Disabilities

                                   Justin Allen                Premier Access

                                   Andrew Riggle           Disability Law Center


MOTION:     Rep. Stanard moved to pass out favorably S.B. 39. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Roberts and Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Knotwell moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Roberts, Rep. Schultz, and Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


Chair Peterson adjourned the meeting at 3:42 p.m.











Rep. Val Peterson, Chair