



Chief Sponsor: Steve Waldrip

Senate Sponsor: Derrin R. Owens


9     General Description:
10          This resolution commends the local school boards and individual school board
11     members that have met the requirements to receive the Utah School Boards
12     Association's (USBA) Master Board Certification and recognizes the importance of
13     professional development activities for local school boards.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This resolution:
16          ▸     commends the local school boards and individual school board members that met
17     the requirements for USBA's Master Board Certification in 2021;
18          ▸     highlights USBA's professional development program and the requirements for
19     local school boards and individual school board members to receive the Master
20     Board Certification; and
21          ▸     acknowledges the benefits of professional development activities of local school
22     board members on student academic achievement and the culture and climate of
23     school districts and schools.
24     Special Clauses:
25          None

27     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:

28          WHEREAS, local school boards serve as governing bodies for each of the state's 41
29     school districts, and members of local school boards are elected officials;
30          WHEREAS, the Utah School Boards Association (USBA) provides professional
31     development to members of the state's local school boards through the USBA PowerUp
32     Program, which includes four training sections that each take one year to complete;
33          WHEREAS, USBA provides a Master Board Certification to individual board members
34     who have completed the statutorily required board trainings and mastered the annual
35     requirements of the USBA PowerUp Program, and to local school boards where a majority of
36     board members have received individual Master Board Certification;
37          WHEREAS, in 2021, over 130 board members in Utah were eligible for Master Board
38     Certification, and 23 local school boards - over half of Utah's local school boards - met the
39     requirements for the board to receive USBA's Master Board Certification;
40          WHEREAS, the collective efforts of these over 130 board members represent hundreds
41     of hours of rigorous training and significant time and effort, in addition to the time-consuming
42     work of serving on a local school board;
43          WHEREAS, after mastering all four sections of the USBA PowerUp Program -
44     strategic learning, continuing education, professional improvement, and advanced development
45     - board members annually repeat the statutorily required board trainings and the advanced
46     development section for continuing professional development;
47          WHEREAS, a central role of local school boards is educating students and cultivating a
48     school and district climate that supports student learning;
49          WHEREAS, a local school board provides leadership to the school district through a
50     variety of activities, such as overseeing district finances, adopting district operating policies,
51     hiring a district superintendent, and approving curricular materials;
52          WHEREAS, the actions of local school board members influence the culture and
53     climate of both the school district and individual schools, which ultimately affects
54     administrators, staff, educators, and students and their families;
55          WHEREAS, ongoing professional development helps board members be more effective
56     in their leadership roles and duties;
57          WHEREAS, some research suggests that when board members engage in ongoing
58     professional development, it positively impacts the academic achievement of the district's

59     students; and
60          WHEREAS, USBA emphasizes the importance of school board members engaging in
61     professional development and learning activities to create shared knowledge, values,
62     commitments, and collaboration with communities and families, all of which foster a district
63     and school environment where student learning can thrive:
64          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
65     Governor concurring therein, congratulates the over 130 board members that met the
66     requirements for USBA's Master Board Certification in 2021, and the 23 school districts where
67     the local school boards qualified for the Master Board Certification in 2021:
68               •     Alpine School District,
69               •     Box Elder School District,
70               •     Canyons School District,
71               •     Daggett School District,
72               •     Davis School District,
73               •     Garfield School District,
74               •     Juab School District,
75               •     Kane School District,
76               •     Logan City School District,
77               •     Millard School District,
78               •     Morgan School District,
79               •     Nebo School District,
80               •     Ogden School District,
81               •     Park City School District,
82               •     Piute School District,
83               •     Provo City School District,
84               •     Salt Lake School District,
85               •     Sevier School District,
86               •     South Sanpete School District,
87               •     Tintic School District,
88               •     Tooele School District,
89               •     Washington School District, and

90               •     Wayne School District.
91          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor thank the
92     individual board members that have completed this training for their significant personal and
93     professional sacrifices in achieving the Master Board Certification and for their efforts in
94     helping their school boards achieve this laudable goal, and encourage all school board
95     members in Utah to seek out USBA's Master Board Certification.