SCR003 - - Passed 64 - 3 - 8, 3/4/2015 11:19 AM
Concurrent Resolution Urging Congress to Support the Implementation of the State's Sage Grouse Conservation Plan
Van Tassell
/ Sandall
HNAE Passed 11-0-3
Senate 3rd Reading
Final Passage
Yeas 64 Nays 3 N/V 8

Yeas - 64
Anderegg, J. Anderson, Johnny Barlow, S. Brown, M. Chew, S.
Christofferson, K. Coleman, K. Cox, F. Cox, J. Cunningham, R.
Cutler, B. R. Daw, B. Dee, B. DiCaro, S. Draxler, J.
Duckworth, S. Dunnigan, J. Eliason, S. Fawson, J. Froerer, G.
Gibson, F. Greene, B. Grover, K. Hall, C. Handy, S.
Hawkes, T. Hollins, S. Hughes, G. Ipson, D. Ivory, K.
Kennedy, M. King, Brian S. Last, B. Lifferth, D. McCay, D.
McIff, K. Miller, J. Moss, C. Nelson, M. Noel, M.
Oda, C. Perry, L. Peterson, J. Peterson, V. Pitcher, D.
Poulson, M. Powell, K. Ray, P. Redd, E. Roberts, M.
Romero, A. Sagers, D. Sandall, S. Schultz, M. Snow, V. L.
Spendlove, R. Stanard, J. Stratton, K. Tanner, E. Thurston, N.
Ward, R. Westwood, J. Wheatley, M. Wilson, B.

Nays - 3
Arent, P. Briscoe, J. Chavez-Houck, R.

Absent or not voting - 8
Christensen, L. Edwards, R. Hutchings, E. King, Brad Knotwell, J.
McKell, M. Sanpei, D. Webb, R. C.