SB6009 - House/ floor amendment - Failed 28 - 40 - 7, 8/20/2020 3:34 PM
SB 6009
Cares Act and Covid-19 Assistance and Recovery Amendments
/ Spendlove
Senate 3rd Reading
Motion to Amend 3 - Division
Yeas 28 Nays 40 N/V 7

Yeas - 28
Andersen, K. Arent, P. Ballard, M.G. Briscoe, J. Dailey-Provost, J.
Duckworth, S. Dunnigan, J. Eliason, S. Hall, C. Handy, S.
Harrison, S. Hollins, S. Judkins, M. King, Brian S. Kwan, K.
Miles, K. Moss, C. Pitcher, S. Poulson, M. Romero, A.
Shurtliff, L. Spendlove, R. Stoddard, A. Thurston, N. Waldrip, S.
Ward, R. Wheatley, M. Winder, M.

Nays - 40
Acton, C.K. Albrecht, C. Barlow, S. Birkeland, K. Brammer, B.
Brooks, W. Chew, S. Christiansen, S. Christofferson, K. Coleman, K.
Daw, B. Ferry, J. Gibson, F. Hawkes, T. Johnson, D.N.
Last, B. Lisonbee, K. Lyman, P. Maloy, A.C. Moss, J.
Musselman, C.R. Nelson, M. Owens, D. Perry, L. Peterson, V.
Pierucci, C. Potter, V. Pulsipher, S. Ray, P. Roberts, M.
Robertson, A. Sagers, D. Schultz, M. Seegmiller, T. Shipp, R.P.
Snider, C. Stratton, K. Strong, M.A. Watkins, C. Wilson, B.

Absent or not voting - 7
Hawkins, J. Hutchings, E. McKell, M. Quinn, T. Snow, V. L.
Stenquist, J. Weight, E.