Room 250, Utah State Capitol
February 24, 2014
Members Present: Sen. Mark B. Madsen, Chair
Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard
Sen. Patricia W. Jones
Sen. Luz Robles
Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher
Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart
Sen. Todd Weiler
Staff Present: Mr. Nathan Brady, Policy Analyst
Ms. Nancy Skidmore, Committee Secretary
NOTE: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Madsen called the meeting to order at 4:18 p.m.
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2014 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Urquhart absent for the vote.
H.B. 71S01 Distribution of Intimate Images (Rep. M. Poulson)
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 3a, Lines 79 through 79a
House Floor Amendments
79 (5) (a) Distribution of an intimate image is Ĥ➔ a class A misdemeanor {and}
except under Subsection (5)(b)
(b) Distribution of an intimate image is a third degree felony on {upon} a second
79a { separate incident} or subsequent conviction {is} Ĥ for an offense under this section that arises from a separate criminal episode as defined in Section 76-1-401 {a third degree felony} .
The motion passed unanimously with Sen Hillyard and Sen. Urquhart absent for the vote.
Rep. Poulson explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Representative Craig Hall
Jennifer Valencia, Director, Sentencing Commission
Tom Panuzio, Security Expert
Paul Rogers, Lobbyist, Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Spoke for the bill: Brandy Farmer, President, Utah Women’s Lobby
Deborah Dilley, Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Jones absent for the vote.
S.B. 205 Controlled Substance Penalty Amendment (Sen. L. Hillard)
Sen. Hillard explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Jennifer Valencia, Director, Sentencing Commission
Clark Harms, Chairman, Board of Pardons and Parole
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Jones and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
S.B. 201 Expungement Modifications (Sen. S. Jenkins)
Sen. Jenkins explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Jones and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
H.B. 225S01 Primary Law Enforcement Duties for Sheriffs (Rep. P. Ray)
MOTION: Sen. Urquhart moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Line 13:
(i) 13 ► enacts language designating , with certain exceptions, the sheriff as the primary law enforcement authority of
1. Page 2, Line 26:
26 The sheriff is the primary law enforcement authority of state law on federal land except as otherwise assigned by law to the authority of a state or municipal law enforcement agency .
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
Rep. Ray explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Tyler Cope
Spoke for the bill: Sydney Groll, Director, Law Enforcement, Department of Natural Resources
MOTION: Sen. Roblez moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
H.B. 248S01 Crime Victims Restitution Amendments (Rep. M. McKell)
Rep. McKell explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
H.B. 308 Criminal Penalty Amendments (Rep. C. Hall)
Rep. Hall explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Thatcher moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Sen.
Hillyard and Sen. Weiler absent for the vote.
Chair Madsen adjourned the meeting at 5:56 p.m.
Sen. Mark B. Madsen, Chair