Room 415, Utah State Capitol

February 26, 2014


Members Present:     Sen. Scott K. Jenkins, Chair

                                    Sen. Allen M. Christensen

                                    Sen. Jim Dabakis

                                    Sen. David P. Hinkins

                                    Sen. Ralph Okerlund

                                    Sen. Evan J. Vickers


Members Excused:    Sen. Peter C. Knudson                      


Staff Present:             Brian Allred, Policy Analyst

                                    Karen C. Allred, Committee Secretary


NOTE:  A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.


Chair Jenkins called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.


MOTION:  Sen. Dabakis moved to approve the minutes of the February 24, 2014 meeting.  The motion passed unanimously.    


S.B. 23         Agricultural Amendments (Sen. Hinkins)


Sen. Hinkins explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:         Kyle Stevens, Deputy Commissioner, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food


Spoke for the bill:       Redge Johnson, Citizen


Spoke against the bill: Dennis Linnell, Industry Business Owner


MOTION:   Sen. Vickers moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.


S.B. 73         Agricultural Environmental Amendments (R. Okerlund)


MOTION:   Sen. Okerlund moved to replace the bill with 1st Sub. S.B. 73. The motion passed unanimously.


Sen. Okerlund explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke for the bill:       Kyle Stevens, Deputy Commissioner, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food

                                    Walt Baker, Director, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality

                                    Sterling Brown, Vice President, Public Policy Utah Farm Bureau Federation

                                    Gordon Yonker, Executive Vice President, Utah Association of Conservations Districts

                                    Redge Johnson, Citizen                     


MOTION:  Sen. Hinkins moved to pass the bill out favorably.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen and Sen. Vickers absent for the vote.


MOTION:   Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Christensen and Sen. Vickers absent for the vote.


Chair Jenkins adjourned the meeting at 9:26 a.m.








Sen. Scott K. Jenkins, Chair