Building, Utah State Capitol Complex
February 25, 2015
Members Present: Sen. Todd Weiler, Chair
Sen. Gene Davis
Sen. Margaret Dayton
Sen. Karen Mayne
Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher
Members Excused: Sen. Curtis S. Bramble
Staff Present: Mr. Ben Christensen, Policy Analyst
Ms. Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary
NOTE: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed
with the committee minutes.
Chair Weiler called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m.
MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to approve the minutes
of the February 13, 2015 meeting. The
motion passed unanimously with Sen. Thatcher absent for the vote.
H.B. 151 Volunteer Firefighter Postretirement Employment Amendments (Rep. D. Sagers)
Rep. Sagers explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Mr. Dee Larsen, Legal Counsel, Utah Retirement Systems
Spoke for the bill: Ms. Kami Perkins, Human Resource Director, Tooele City
Mr. Coy Porter, State Fire Marshall
Mr. Brent Marshall, Mayor, Grantsville City
Mr. Marty Peterson, Pension Representative for Firefighters
MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Sen. Weiler voting in opposition.
Chair Weiler announced that because of time limitations S.B. 243 would not be heard today.
Chair Weiler relinquished the chair to Sen. Dayton.
S.B. 239 Retirement Withdrawal Modifications (Sen. T. Weiler)
Sen. Weiler explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Mr. Dee Larsen, Legal Counsel, Utah Retirement Systems
Spoke for the bill: Mr. Gary Larcenaire, Chief Executive Officer, Valley Behavioral Health
MOTION: Sen. Weiler moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Sen. Dayton voting in opposition.
MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
Acting Chair Dayton adjourned the meeting at 1:13 p.m.
Sen. Todd Weiler, Chair