Room 250, Utah State Capitol

March 4, 2015


Members Present:     Sen. Mark B. Madsen, Chair

                                    Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher

                                    Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart

                                    Sen. Todd Weiler


Member Excused:     Sen. Gene Davis

                                    Sen. Luz Escamilla


Members Absent:      Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard


Staff Present:             Mr. Nathan Brady, Policy Analyst

                                    Ms. Nancy Skidmore, Committee Secretary


NOTE:  A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.


Chair Madsen called the meeting to order at 8:47 a.m.


S.B. 276          Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention in Public Schools (Sen. T. Weiler)


Sen. Weiler explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:                     Debi Tabor, Director of Advocacy, Utah PTA


Spoke for the bill:                   Jeremy Roberts

                                                Clark Aposhian, Chairman, Utah Shooting Sports Council

                                                Jonathan Campbell, Police Officer, South Jordan

                                                Wade Farraway, Assistant Attorney General

                                                Sylvia Andersen, Board Member, Gun Safety Council

                                                Dan Deul


MOTION:  Sen. Weiler moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Escamilla, Sen. Davis, and Sen. Hillyard absent for the vote.


H.B. 244      Alimony Support Amendments (Rep. K. Stratton)


Rep. Stratton explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:                     Rick Schwermer, Administrative Office of the Courts




Spoke for the bill:                   Dani Hartvigsen, Coalition for the Preservation of Family Values

                                                Rebecca Martindale

                                                Laura Bunker, President, United Families International


Spoke against the bill:             Stewart Ralphs, League Aid Society of Salt Lake

                                                Dan Deul, National Parents Organization of Utah

                                                Michelle Jones


H.B. 288      Line-of-duty Death Benefits for Peace Officers and Firefighters (Rep. P. Ray)


This bill was not considered


H.B. 300      Firearm and Dangerous Weapons Amendments (Rep. B. Greene)


This bill was not considered.


MOTION:   Sen. Thatcher moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Escamilla, Sen. Davis, and Sen Hillyard absent for the vote.


Chair Madsen adjourned the meeting 10:00 a.m.





Sen. Mark B. Madsen, Chair