Room 20 House Building
March 6, 2015
Members Present: Rep. Becky Edwards, Chair
Rep. John Westwood, Vice Chair
Rep. Bruce Cutler
Rep. Sophia DiCaro
Rep. Timothy Hawkes
Rep. Bradley G. Last
Rep. Curt Oda
Rep. Angela Romero
Rep. Scott Sandall
Rep. Robert Spendlove
Rep. Mark Wheatley
Members Absent: Rep. Brad R. Wilson
Staff Present: Mr. Ben Christensen, Policy Analyst
Ms. Rosemary Young, Committee Secretary
Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Vice Chair Westwood called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.
Chair Edwards assumed the chair.
MOTION: Rep. Westwood moved to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2015 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. DiCaro, Rep. Last, Rep. Oda, and Rep. Spendlove absent for the vote.
S.B. 174 Registered Agents Amendments (Sen. L. Hillyard)
Sen. Hillyard explained the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Hawkes moved to pass out favorably S.B. 174. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Spendlove absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Hawkes moved to place S.B. 174 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously.
1st Sub. S.B. 223 Ustar Governance Amendments (Sen. A. Osmond)
Sen. Osmond explained the bill assisted by Ivy Estabrook, Executive Director, USTAR. Brian Dean, Office of the Legislative Auditor General, responded to questions.
MOTION: Rep. Westwood moved to pass out favorably 1st Sub. S.B. 223. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice Chair Westwood assumed the chair.
H.B. 437 Affordable Housing Modifications (Rep. R. Edwards)
Rep. Edwards explained the bill assisted by Tara Rollins, Utah Housing Coalition; Steve Erickson, Crossroads Urban Center; and Bruce Jones, Utah Transit Authority.
MOTION: Rep. Sandall moved to return H.B. 437 to the Rules Committee for interim study. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Last absent for the vote.
Chair Edwards resumed the chair.
H.B. 432 Historic Pioneer Trail Preservation (Rep. L. Christensen)
Rep. Christensen explained the bill assisted by Chris Haller, Utah Division of Parks and Recreation.
MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to amend H.B. 432 as follows:
1. Page 2, Lines 53 through 57:
53 (5) (a) The division shall prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislature, by
54September 1, 2015, { a } an initial written report of the inventory prepared under this section with recommendations for potential Legislative action in the 2016 General Session .
55 (b) The report shall include recommendations and cost estimates to maintain the
56inventory and to make recommended improvements to the historic trails to allow public
57enjoyment of the trails and Utah pioneer history .
The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Last absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Spendlove moved to hold the bill.
MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to pass out favorably H.B. 432. The motion failed with Rep. DiCaro, Rep. Oda, Rep. Edwards, and Rep. Westwood voting in favor and Rep. Last absent for the vote.
The original motion to hold passed unanimously.
H.C.R. 11 Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Office of the State Fire Marshal (Rep. E. Hutchings)
Rep. Hutchings explained the resolution assisted by Ted Black, Deputy State Fire Marshall.
MOTION: Rep. Oda moved to pass out favorably H.C.R. 11. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Last absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Romero moved to place H.C.R. 11 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Last absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Sandall moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Last absent for the vote..
Chair Edwards adjourned the meeting at 6:01 p.m.
Rep. Becky Edwards, Chair