Room 250, Utah State Capitol

January 28, 2016


Members Present:     Sen. Deidre M. Henderson, Chair

                                    Sen. Curtis S. Bramble

                                    Sen. Jim Dabakis

                                    Sen. Wayne Harper

                                    President Wayne L. Niederhauser

                                    Sen. Howard Stephenson


Member Excused:     Sen. Gene Davis


Staff Present:             Mr. Leif Elder, Policy Analyst

                                    Ms. Nancy Skidmore, Committee Secretary


NOTE:  A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.


Chair Henderson called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.


S.B. 17S02   Revenue and Taxation Amendments (Sen. Van Tassell)


Sen. Van Tassell explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke for the bill:                   Mr. Steve Young, Attorney, Utah Petroleum Association

                                                Mr. Lee Peacock, Utah Petroleum Association         


MOTION:  Sen. Bramble moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.


S.B. 65         Sales and Use Tax Reporting Requirements (Sen. Harper)


This bill was not considered.


S.C.R 2        Concurrent Resolution in Support of Sales and Use Tax Transactional Equity (Sen. Harper)


Sen. Harper explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:                     Mr. Mark Griffin, Attorney, Overstock.com


Spoke for the bill:                   Mr. Roger Tew, Utah League of Cities and Tax

                                                Mr. Dave Davis, President, Utah Retail Merchants Association


Spoke against the bill:             Mr. George Chapman


MOTION:  Sen. Harper moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bramble absent for the vote.



MOTION:   Sen. Niederhauser moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bramble absent for the vote.


Chair Henderson adjourned the meeting at 3:46 p.m.





Sen. Deidre M. Henderson, Chair