Room 30, House Building
January 27, 2016
Members Present: Rep. Bradley G. Last, Chair
Rep. V. Lowry Snow, Vice Chair
Rep. LaVar Christensen
Rep. Kim Coleman
Rep. Bruce R. Cutler
Rep. Steve Eliason
Rep. Justin L. Fawson
Rep. Francis D. Gibson
Rep. Eric Hutchings
Rep. David E. Lifferth
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
Rep. Michael E. Noel
Rep. Marie H. Poulson
Members Absent: Rep. Daniel McCay
Staff Present: Ms. Tiffany Stanley, Policy Analyst
Ms. Linda Service, Committee Secretary
Note: List of visitors and copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.
Chair Last called the meeting to order at 2:12 p.m.
H.B. 41 Fees for Supplemental Hours (Rep. S. Eliason)
Rep. Eliason explained the bill.
Spoke for the bill: Ms. Susan Edwards, Canyons School District
Spoke against the bill: Ms. Nicholeen Peck
MOTION: Rep. Poulson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Gibson and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.
H.B. 42 Optional Enhanced Kindergarten Amendments (Rep. V. L. Snow)
Rep. Snow explained the bill with the assistance of Dr. Sydnee Dickson, Acting State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Utah State Office of Education.
MOTION: Rep. Moss moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Lifferth voting in opposition. Rep. Coleman was absent for the vote.
Vice Chair Snow assumed the chair.
H.B. 28 Grants for Educator Professional Learning (Rep. B. Last)
Rep. Last explained the bill with the assistance of Dr. Dickson.
MOTION: Rep. Last moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 9, Lines 259 through 266:
259 (7) On or before December 1 of each year, the board shall report to the Education
260Interim Committee regarding:
261 (a) the results of the professional learning grant program { , based on: } ; and
262 { (i) student achievement data;
263 (ii) educator evaluation data; and
264 (iii) survey data; and }
265 (b) statewide improvement in professional learning practices based on the professional
266learning standards described in Section 53A-15-1703.
The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Coleman, Rep. Eliason, Rep. Fawson, and Rep. Hutchings absent for the vote.
Spoke for the bill: Dr. Sara Jones, Utah Education Association
Ms. Rita Heagren, retired teacher
Spoke to the bill: Ms. Nicholeen Peck
Mr. Robert Smith, Business Administrator, Alpine School District
MOTION: Rep. Cutler moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed with Rep. Coleman, Rep. Fawson, and Rep. Lifferth voting in opposition.
H.B. 90 Education Background Check Amendments (Rep. S. Handy)
Rep. Handy explained the bill with the assistance of Mr. Jesse Devereaux, Bureau of Criminal Identification.
MOTION: Rep. Hutchings moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Christensen, Rep. Gibson, Rep. Last, and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Hutchings moved to place H.B. 90 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Christensen, Rep. Gibson, Rep. Last, and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.
H.B. 181 Physical Control in Schools Amendments (Rep. C. Moss)
Rep. Moss explained the bill with the assistance of Dr. Dickson and Ms. Carol Anderson, Utah State Office of Education.
MOTION: Rep. Eliason moved to adjourn. The motion passed with Rep. Lifferth voting in opposition. Rep. Coleman, Rep. Gibson, Rep. Last, and Rep. Noel were absent for the vote.
Vice Chair Snow adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m.
Rep. Brad Last, Chair