Room 250, Utah State Capitol
February 5, 2016
Members Present: Sen. Deidre M. Henderson, Chair
Sen. Curtis S. Bramble
Sen. Jim Dabakis
Sen. Wayne Harper
Sen. Howard Stephenson
Member Excused: Sen. Gene Davis
Wayne L. Niederhauser
Staff Present: Mr. Leif Elder,
Policy Analyst
Ms. Nancy Skidmore, Committee Secretary
NOTE: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed
with the committee minutes.
Sen. Henderson relinquished the chair to Sen. Harper.
Sen. Harper called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
MOTION: Sen. Harper moved to approve the minutes
of the February 2, 2016 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Sen.
Bramble absent for the vote.
S.B. 126 Committee Authority Amendments (Sen. D. Henderson)
Sen. Henderson explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Dabakis moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bramble absent for the vote.
Sen. Henderson resumed the chair.
S.B. 128 Taxing Entities’ Tax Rate Amendments (Sen. D. Henderson)
This bill was not considered.
S.B. 87 Administrative Rulemaking Act Modifications (Sen. H. Stephenson)
Sen. Stephenson explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Kass Harstad, Attorney
MOTION: Sen. Dabakis moved to pass the bill out favorably and further recommended floor amendments for time limits of public testimony and written testimony. The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Bramble absent for the vote.
S.B. 112 Property Tax Assessment Amount Amendments (Sen. H. Stephenson)
Sen. Stephenson explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Rebecca Rockwell, Commissioner, Utah State Tax Commission
Arie Van DeGraff, Legal Analyst, Utah Association of Counties
Spoke for the bill: Brant Barlow, Citizen Lobbyist, Eagle Forum
MOTION: Sen. Stephenson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
S.B. 120 Property Tax Notice Amendments (Sen. H. Stephenson)
Sen. Stephenson explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Sen. Stephenson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. Harper moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Henderson adjourned the meeting at 3:04 p.m.
Sen. Deidre M. Henderson, Chair